Good People Don't Go to Heaven
Do good people go to heaven? This article evaluates this idea, showing that "good" people do not go, given what it means to be good and the fact that your righteousness deserves hell.
God Is Righteous, Immutable School of Theology Series: Lecture 13
Matthew 5:20 – “…Unless Your Righteousness Exceeds…”
Christ Our Righteousness
This article, which in the main is an exposition of 2 Corinthians 5:18-21, gives ample consideration of the scriptural teaching of Christ as our righteousness.
The End of the Struggle
Coming to Christ puts and end to the struggle for your own righteousness, living by the law, and pleasing people. The article explains.
Romans – The Gospel as the Revelation of God's Righteousness (Romans 1:1-17)
This chapter presents a detailed exegesis and exposition of Romans 1:1-7. Themes that function in this passage are God’s righteousness, Jesus as Son of God, and Paul’s office as apostle.
Justification and the New Perspectives on Paul – How the Mighty Have Fallen: From Luther to Schweitzer
This book’s concern is with what has become known as the New Perspective on Paul, which is concerned with Paul's understanding of the law, works of the law, righteousness, and other related issues. This chapter starts with a history of the study of Paul covering the period from Martin Luther to Albert Schweitzer.
Theological Guide to Calvin's Institutes – Justification and Union with Christ
Gaffin reflects in Chapter 11 on John Calvin’s view of justification and union with Christ in Book 3 of his Institutes of the Christian Religion. Gaffin gives a brief overview of the treatment of justification in successive editions of the Institutes from 1536 to 1559.
The Righteousness of God
What is the meaning of the righteousness of God? God’s righteousness means that God always acts in accordance with what is right. He himself is the final standard of what is right. This article shows how this righteousness is revealed in God's Word and in Christ, which gives the believer assurance of the justice of God.
What are the Communicable Attributes of God?
What are the communicable attributes of God? After defining communicable attributes, this article explains the holiness, love, goodness, justice and righteousness, and wisdom of God and how they relate to knowing God.
Isaiah 1:18 – Declaration, Exclamation, or Interrogation?
What does the Lord teach his people in Isaiah 1:18? Culver argues that the main focus in this text is on the righteousness and justice of God.
Righteousness in Proverbs
One of the themes characterizing the book of Proverbs is that of righteousness. What does it mean to be righteous? This article looks at the meaning of righteousness in the book of Proverbs. It shows how righteousness relates to the law of Moses, and how righteousness manifests itself in social life.
Matthew 7:1-6: "Do Not Judge"
Basics of the Reformed Faith: Justification
This article shows that the doctrine of justification rests on Christ's righteousness imputed to us.
Righteous in Christ Alone
The most basic question facing each individual is: How can I be right with God? This article answer this question by pointing to Christ. Righteousness and justification can only be found in Christ.
Matthew 5:6 - Holy Hunger
This is the fifth article in a nine part series on the Beatitudes as recorded in Matthew 5:3-12. This article looks at the fourth Beatitude, which describes Christians as being hungry and thirsty. This hunger and thirst is for being righteous before God. Satisfaction for this hunger for righteousness is found in Christ.
The All-Sufficiency of Christ
Jesus Christ is all we need for justification before God. Jesus has provided substitutionary atonement and righteousness for us. The author also discusses Galatians 2:20.
The Doctrine of Justification By Zacharias Ursinus
This article is a copy of Zacharinus Ursinus's exposition of the Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 23, which shows that righteousness has to do with conformity with the law, and that justification is the application of this. Evangelical righteousness is when God imputes Christ's righteousness to the believer and declares the believer just on the basis of the complete work of Christ.
Justification: Forensic or Moral?
This article discusses the meaning of the word 'justification'. The Roman Catholic Church uses the word justification when speaking about the increase of moral righteousness. However, the word is actually used in scripture in a forensic way - God declaring us righteous in Christ.
Johannes Piscator and the Doctrine of Justification
Good Friday: God's Incomprehensible Love for Lost Sinners
Hebrews 2:14 – The Triumph of Divine Justice
Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification
Alien Righteousness, Humanity's Greatest Need
Did Christ Die for Us or for God?
What is the innermost meaning of Jesus' crucifixion? What problem was God solving through the death of Christ? This article on Romans 3:25-26 maintains that the most basic purpose of the death of Christ is to demonstrate God's righteousness and justice.
The Demonstration of the Righteousness of God in Romans 3:25, 26
Romans 3:25, 26 refers to the righteousness of God. This righteousness is most naturally understood as God's commitment to always act for His own names' sake. This article is a study of God's righteousness as it is referred to in this passage.
None Righteous
This article is about sin, guilt and the judgment of God. The author also discusses the righteousness and holiness of God, sin and the wrath of God, total depravity, and the ungodly and the forgiveness of God.