The biblical teaching on imputation can be summarized as follows: Adam's sin was imputed to all humanity, the sins of the elect imputed to Christ, and Christ's righteousness imputed to the elect.
The biblical teaching on imputation can be summarized as follows: Adam's sin was imputed to all humanity, the sins of the elect imputed to Christ, and Christ's righteousness imputed to the elect.
This article is about justification, how lost sinners share in the saving righteousness of God in Christ. Schreiner is in dialogue with N. T. Wright. First, Schreiner is convinced that Wright wrongly says that justification is primarily about ecclesiology instead of soteriology. Next, Schreiner believes that Wright often introduces a false polarity when referring to the mission of Israel.
Imputation is the act of assigning a condition, standing, or value. When it relates to persons, the new condition is credited to themĀ and accounted as being fully theirs. This article shows how Christ's righteousness is imputed to the believer.