The Wonder of Eternal Life
Your Final Destination
Could it be that the struggles you face in daily life are connected to overlooking your final destination? This article identifies seven effects of neglecting to think about eternal life.
Heavens Above
What It Means to Invest in Eternity
Eternity is real. Did you know you can invest in eternity? This article explains what the Bible means by eternity, the nature of this eternal life with God, and the manner and fruits of investing in eternity.
You Only Live Forever
As a Christian what is it that you want to do before you die? Is this desire shaped by the fear that you only live once? This article shows how the truth of eternal life and God's kingdom transforms our daily life and desires.
The Double Predestination to Holiness and Sin
This article considers the following question: in view of the so-called double predestination of (1) some to eternal life and (2) others to eternal condemnation, what is the nature of God’s predestination in either case? Shedd says that God’s predestination unto life brings about holiness in a sinner, while his predestination unto sin leaves a person in his sin.
Eschatology and Social Concern
This paper reflects upon Christian social concern and action. Its focus is on the theme of eschatology and social concern. The author first deals with tensions in different views on eternal life and the return of Christ. He traces the apostle Paul's concern in Romans and 1 Corinthians regarding the correlation between eschatology and social involvement.
The Last Judgment, Resurrection of the Body, and Eternal Life
Death: The Last Great Enemy
This article discusses the topic of death. Death is inevitable and it is dreadful, but has been defeated by Jesus, and is therefore also the way to eternal life for the believer in Christ.
'I Believe in … The Life Everlasting, Amen'
This article on the Apostles' Creed examines what Christians confess when they say that they believe in the life everlasting. The author shows how eternal life is given in Christ on the basis of what He did for us. The nature of this life is fellowship with God.
Colossians 1:27 – A Glorious Mystery Revealed to the Gentiles: Christ in You
John 11:25-26 - Jesus, The Resurrection and The Life
Listen to the Story of Jesus and See the Glory of God
We who have not seen Jesus on earth are not at a disadvantage, for we can see Him through His Word. This is all we need in order to believe and be saved. How do we see Jesus today in His glory?
God is the Gospel
Why do you value God’s forgiveness? Or why do you value eternal life? Have you ever considered asking why a person would want to have eternal life? Why would people want to live forever? Does God feature in how we think about these things? This article looks at John 17:3 and how this text should shape our perspective on forgiveness and eternal life.