Paul on Justification and the Final Judgment
What is the relationship between justification and the final judgment in Paul's writings? This article argues that the final judgment should be thought of in relation to the resurrection of Jesus.
Matthew 24 – The End of the World
This article is an exposition of Matthew 24. It shows how Christ referred to the destruction of Jerusalem as a pointer to the final judgment and the end of the world.
Proof of a Separate State of Souls Between Death and the Resurrection (Part 2)
As a continuation of this topic, the author produces a number of scripture texts that may be taken as arguments that there is a separate state to which the soul goes after death and before the final judgment.
Paul, the Law and Judgment by Works
What does it mean that the final judgment will be according to works? This article analyzes the apostle Paul's different statements about the criteria by which the works of a person are measured in the last judgment. The study concludes that the same criteria applies to believers and unbelievers, i.e., the Torah as fulfilled by Jesus Christ. It is argued that the whole Torah is still valid in the time of the new covenant, but in a transformed and intensified way.
What Is There between Minneapolis and St. Andrews? A Third Way in the Piper-Wright Debate
Bird participates in the debate between John Piper and N. T. Wright on a biblical understanding of justification by faith. He looks at five points of contention between Piper and Wright. Bird tries to establish a modified Reformed view that can function as a middle way between the two.
Wrath That Endures Forever
How should we understand the relationship between the love of God and the wrath of God? This article concerns itself in particular with the understanding of God's wrath and anger in the final judgment.
Second Coming of Christ
This is an entry in a theological dictionary on the return of Christ and the final judgment.
Judgment Seat of Christ
This is an entry in a theological dictionary on the judgment seat of Christ as God's final judgment.
Every Work made Public
When we stand before the great white throne and the Lord asks us, "What have you done to Me in your life?" what will we say? This article is about the final judgment, election and reprobation, and the relation of our works and heaven and hell.
Concomitants of the Second Advent: The Final Judgment
Do I Not Hate Those Who Hate You, O Lord?
God has a right to call down judgment on his enemies. God hates unrighteousness. In the Psalms, the people of God express this judgment in their songs and prayers. This has nothing to do with personal vindictiveness, but rather foreshadows God's final judgment and is a call to return to God, who judges in righteousness.