Apocalyptic Speculation and the French Revolution
This article refers to apocalyptic speculation in the present context of a generation of prophets, whether religious or secular, who are annoucning the coming of the end of the world. This article is directed against current misdirected apocalyptic speculation in the light of a similar development during the time of the French Revolution in the 18th century.
Matthew 24 – The End of the World
This article is an exposition of Matthew 24. It shows how Christ referred to the destruction of Jerusalem as a pointer to the final judgment and the end of the world.
The Inaugurated Eschatological Indicative and Imperative in relation to Christian Living and Preaching
The popular understanding that "latter-days" refers only to the end of the world needs radical adjustment. Beale demonstrates how “inaugurated eschatology” sheds light on a Christian understanding of the end times. The theological idea of the relation of the indicative to the imperative in the New Testament is used to enhance such an understanding.