Chapter 2 wants to answer the question, “What is the church’s mission in the world?” The authors think it best to start with the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19. First, they examine a few other passages that are sometimes understood as offering a fuller mission identity for the church: Genesis 12:1-3, Exodus 19:5–6, Luke 4:16–21. They then continue by expounding on the Great Commission as found in Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 13:10, Luke 24:44-49, and Acts 1:8. The chapter wants to ground what the church must do in mission on Scripture’s explicit commands. The conclusion then is that the mission of the church is to win people to Christ and build them up in Christ. Making disciples—that is the church’s mission.

Source: What Is the Mission of the Church: Making Sense of Social Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission (Crossway, 2011), 29-63.

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