The Sin Behind Sin
The Sin Behind Sin
All too easily, God’s commandments can begin to lead their own life. In an admonition, in the raising of children, in a sermon, or also in a personal struggle. What is not allowed, and how it should be, it can be strictly formulated, for someone else, or for yourself. So that it is all true, but without any support.
An indication that support is missing can be that you are left with extremely negative feelings. Because the norm cannot be achieved, because you do not see how things can be improved. Then the law of God seems to be squarely against you, not giving you any support but constituting a permanent threat.
When I say it like that, it very quickly becomes clear what is missing. The admonition is then apparently formulated in a way, that man (big or small) is left to himself. That seems quite obvious, for are we not to fulfill the law? And yet, this is a serious error.
For when God speaks, you receive strength for salvation. That is even true in the law, in each commandment. Everything that God says, he wants to make happen, in the lives of his children. That you are involved in this is logical: it is your life. But that does not mean that you must do it by yourself, left to yourself.
The Sequence←⤒🔗
It is important to note the sequence in the law. From when we were young, it has been pointed out to us, that God first of all says that he has led his people out of Egypt. A teaching which is absolutely true. Salvation does not start from our side.
But the question is if this approach permeated our life with God? For even with the proper sequence, one can still say that you fall hopelessly short in your thankfulness. And even if someone else does not say that, you can think it of yourself. Then, starting from a good beginning of the law, you still arrive at the end by yourself, and deep in your heart you are stuck with that.
Therefore, it is necessary that we learn to see that the starting point of the law permeates every commandment.
Other Gods are Unnecessary←⤒🔗
Take for example the first commandment: “you shall have no other gods before me”. Here, all of us stumble. Each one of us has (from time to time) desires and goals, which fill our heart more than they strengthen the unity with God. Time and again, God is pushed away from the centre, and sometimes he is even sidelined to the benches, for the times that we are injured.
When you start a lonely battle against sin, then you have already lost the battle in advance. And then I have not even mentioned the worst cases, like addiction and so. You will never be able to kick the habit. Why not? Because, per commandment, you are starting by yourself. Since when is man able to redeem himself from evil?
It is quite a different story however, if you ask yourself why God actually forbids the “other gods”. Then you will conclude very quickly, that he does this so that he can mean everything for us. Everything that you can think of, is in him. Jesus has paid for it, and this is how it comes to you. Do you want to become rich, is money your idol? But you can never become richer than you are in Christ: the whole world is in him in your name. What did you want to add to that? What would you desire outside of God when it comes to you in him?
And so it is with love, attention, etc. For many people that is listed somewhere near the top, forbidden roads are not shunned when the desire is strong. Endless failure comes as a result of this. Until you realize that you receive more love from God than you can ever receive from anyone else. When you get to know him, you will discover that even the love you have for yourself is surpassed by his love for you. And so on.
This is how we get on the right track toward the commandments. The key to understanding this is that God makes all idols unnecessary before he forbids them. In this manner, and only in this manner, can they be successfully defeated. Not from yourself, but from God. Even stronger: then you also want the commandments because you choose for God. To expect all things from him. In every commandment it is about the space for him in your life; does he receive this or does he not receive this?
The Actual Sin←⤒🔗
This is how you realize that the actual sin is always deeper that the sin that you see. You can observe someone stealing something or catch someone in a lie. A bit more subtle: you notice that someone thinks materialistically or does not mind to entertain some gossiping. You can say something about that, and it would be quite right to do so.
But in fact, it is about the question: who is God in your life?
Does he not make you rich enough? Are you not content with what you have been given? Do you want to add something to it in your own way?
Has he ever lied to you or said something bad about you? What, in the name of peace, are you then occupied with?
This is the sin behind sin: you push God aside; you do not appreciate him, and you do not really entrust yourself to him. You push Jesus aside; you refuse his continued love for you in how you live and in what you do. And you set yourself up over against the Holy Spirit with your stubbornness; you can decide for yourself want is good and what is evil.
So, actually it is very shallow, when the commandments are just being preached. And yet, there are people who like to hear them, for it gives a great overview. The posts on the side of the road are put in the ground very precisely/securely, and now everyone knows where he or she stands.
Very clear, or so it appears to be. It is only too bad, that this has little to do anymore with salvation. On the contrary, you are growing a legal, judgmental, and especially shallow atmosphere. And that is in fact not clear at all, for just that, which it is all about, disappears in the fog. With all its consequences.
Jesus Is Central←⤒🔗
When you discover the sin behind sin, your eyes will open to the seriousness of it. You do not trespass formal rules, but you step on someone’s heart.
At the same time, you are together with him, who will never reject you when you are shocked by your own sins. He loves you.
Recently I heard someone say: “when I do not keep the commandments, I will be lost”. The ramifications were life-size before him: never to meet God… terrible!
But is that all?
Does this not also mean something for God?
Of course it does, when you live in that way, he loses you…terrible!
He will do everything to hold on to you and save you, for yourself and for himself. In every word he comes to you. In every commandment he takes your hand, to keep you upright. The law is permeated with his love.
This way, a godly commandment can never lead its own life. You must first go to Jesus, and then, in his hand, you receive the law.
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