This is a Children’s Devotion on Luke 5:8 -11.

2020. 1 pages.

Luke 5:8-11

Read: Luke 5:1-11

Simon Peter and his fellow fishermen had been fishing all night but caught nothing. They knew that nighttime was the best time to go fishing, so during the next day, when Jesus told them to go out in their boats and put their nets down to catch some fish, they must have thought he was crazy. Why try fishing during the day?

But Simon said to Jesus, “Even though we haven’t caught anything during the night, because you say so, we will put our nets out again.” The fishermen obeyed the Lord, and when they pulled up their nets there were so many fish that they filled two whole boats.

How did Simon respond to this amazing miracle? Did he say, “Wow, thank you Lord, you are just amazing. That’s just great! We’ll be able to sell lots of fish now. Wow!” No, he didn’t say anything at all about the fish even though, being a fisherman, he would have known what a great miracle it was. Instead he bowed down at Jesus’ feet, among all the fish, and worshipped him. He realised that God was at work in this man Jesus. He may not yet have understood that Jesus was God himself, but he sure knew that God was working in him. And so, when Simon saw this great holiness of God, he realised how terribly sinful he was. God worked in Simon’s heart so that he realized his own sinfulness. And so Simon said, “Depart from me for I am a sinful man, O Lord.” He knew that because of his sinfulness, he couldn’t stand in Jesus’ holiness.

But Jesus told him not to be afraid. Yes, it is true that Simon Peter was terribly sinful, but Jesus’ love for Simon was so great that he would die for Simon’s sins, and so Simon Peter did not need to be afraid. Instead Simon had to go out into the world and tell other people about Jesus’ great love for sinners. Jesus would use him, a fisherman, to work in his kingdom.

Reflection with your child:

When you read about God’s holiness and greatness, how do you feel?

Source: Sermon by Rev. R. Vermeulen

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