Source: De Reformatie. 3 pages. Translated by Saskia Houtman-Alkema.

Help! I am a Witness… About the responsibility to address evil and sin in the church

What do you do when you witness a crime?
When you see someone being beaten up?
You punch three keys: 1-1-2.
And you look for help.

The Choice You are Faced With🔗

Imagine, not doing this. You would witness someone needing help, and then looking the other way. Would that not be disgraceful? Would you not be a lousy witness?
And yet, you can imagine such a reaction. Because the situation took you by surprise as well. You did not ask for this, and in fact you do not have time for this. You have an appointment, or an important exam, or your girlfriend has been waiting for you for 15 minutes. You are in a hurry! And then something like this happens! This will take time, you have to stay put, even if you just call. And when you come to the rescue, you could end up being beaten up as well. All reasons to see nothing. It happens. And yet every citizen who sees the public service commercials feels that a witness should realize his responsibility. Even if you prefer not to be it, you áre a witness.

Own Initiative🔗

The example shows that a witness sometimes has to act decisively, on his own initiative. Even if there is no one directly asking for it.

A brain teaser.

Because is it not true, that we associate the term “witness” in the first place with a court? Most people would not ever come there. They only know a court from the countless movies. You can be called upon to bear witness, swear to tell the truth. A false testimony can be a big crime. Obviously.

But that way of being a witness can seem as something remote. You have to be asked, so it seems, and chances are that this will never happen. A misconception, because you are a witness all the time of anything and everything, and maybe you have to step up more often than you thought. Even when no one asks you directly.

Thé Crime🔗

Harming people is a crime. It is even worse when a human being abuses God, his name or his work. Under the old Israel, that was the greatest offense a human being could commit.

Suppose someone did that, and another witnessed it, then that witness had a great responsibility. He had heard it, that curse or derision. God’s honour was damaged with words that could never have a place among God’s people. But then he would have to report the incident to the elders with the intention that that crime would be removed from among the people. And if not, if the witness would remain silent, he would carry the blame. Eventually he would share in the punishment for the sin (Lev. 5: 1). And perhaps he would bring disaster to the whole people.

In this vein we come across a pithy proverb in the Bible: “The partner of a thief hates his own life; he hears the curse, but discloses nothing” (Prov. 29: 24 ESV).

For example think about the situation of Achan. Everyone heard the curse pronounced on theft from Jericho. When you see someone stealing anyway, and you keep silent, you hate yourself according to the proverb. You let God’s curse come over you without doing anything about it! And this of course is not limited to Jericho.

Deceptive Silence🔗

This way we learn that you can become a false witness in two ways:

  1. By saying incorrect things;
  2. By keeping silent erroneously.

That possibility “a” is false we already knew. But so is situation “b”! It does not look like it, because there is no testimony at all. No testimony is no false testimony, the hypocrite may say. But that will not wash: God wants us to be reliable witnesses. By forbidding false testimonies he wants to change our hearts. The commandment is not a goal in itself, even the witnessing is not, but we are. We will not be false witnesses but carry the image of Christ through his Spirit. The image of him who came from heaven because of what he saw and heard on earth. Of him who hastened to help us, even when it cost him everything.

When someone sees that help or interference is needed and he pretends not to see anything, then he is a worthless witness. God abhors what is worthless. What we have translated as “false” in the 9th commandment is a reproduction of the same word that in the 3rd commandment is described as “vain”. It is the designation of empty, disappointing, unreliable, deceptive and leading to death. We cannot use God’s name this “vain”, your speaking and silence cannot be this “empty” and “deadly”. In that case you do not carry God’s image, but project the opposite. That is why God hates this, cannot stand it.

Speaking out of Responsibility🔗

In the New Testament these lines of thought are continued. How could it be any other way? When you see your brother or sister sin you have the responsibility as a witness (Matt. 18:15–17). If they are sins which everyone sees, it is a shared responsibility. But it could be that you are the only one or one of a few. In your own circle of friends for example or with your own housemates you can see how someone handles money, liquor and sex, how someone becomes trapped in wrong patterns. Or how someone alienates from God and church, how faith is put on the back burner. You do not have to set out seeing those things, while you can be confronted by them just the same. Before you know it, you are a witness of words and practices that curse God, and what will you do then with your responsibility? In any case not remain silent! Because help is needed here, in whatever form. And you cannot be an accomplice to sinful structures, which God abhors, becoming acceptable in the congregation. Moreover, the Proverbs poet would say you should not hate yourself like that.

Realize the Importance of This🔗

The question is whether we can still handle this together. Our time is characterized by a great need for individual freedom. Interfering in the behaviour of others is “not done”. Witnesses often are not appreciated. Borders are rejected wholeheartedly. That is how it goes in society, and we come across it in church as well; falling in with each other, remaining silent about all kind of things. If you say nothing about me, I will not say anything about you. If we recognize anything of this in ourselves, it may be necessary to discuss this subject. From the faith awareness that we are dealing with God and with our choice between life and death! The Lord gives us a song like Psalm 50 on our lips, within it an accusation against his own people “What right have you to recite my laws or take my covenant on your lips? You hate my instruction and cast my words behind you. When you see a thief, you join with him; you throw in your lot with adulterers” (vv. 16, 17 NIV).

We are in league with each other when we have become worthless as witnesses, vain, empty, false. As you can take each other to the Lord, so you can lead each other into the swamp. You see death beckoning, but you do not warn. You see someone drowning in his sin, but you do not lend a helping hand. You see someone come to grief, but you look the other way and keep silent.

It could be that we as witnesses have to realize our responsibility again. And not only in view of the congregation. It is written “you shall not bear false witness against your neighbour”. Thus the unbeliever, your next-door neighbour and your colleague, comes into the picture. They must not perish by means of your silence, while you could have spoken.

Be Real🔗

Help, I am a witness! But there is help in your time of need (Heb. 4:16). Go and ask.

Because this is something you should not do alone. No, the Lord says: you shall be My witnesses. You will show and voice who I am. But you can only receive this from Me. That is why it is very important to start with him. To experience how important he is to you. And therefore also important to your brother and sister, and to your neighbour in general. That way he lets you discover for yourself what is necessary to say. And especially how you will say it. Because correct speaking is not enough. Words come from somewhere. They should come from your heart, and at its deepest level from the love of Christ. But it could be they have a different source. Then you do speak God’s language, but your heart is not in it, and you may then even set other standards for yourself. Then you have become a lie yourself. How then could you speak reliably?

Vice versa: If you mean well by a person, when you truly speak out of love, you never have to be afraid of any response. Because the Lord will show that he is the content of your witness.

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