How the West Was Lost, What a Difference a Century Makes

A few short years after Bavinck and Kuyper prophesied the religious struggle that would characterize the twentieth centu­ry, a most remarkable set of lectures was delivered. They are remarkable not because of their content, but because of who deliv­ered them. David Josiah Brewer set out to prove that the United States was, even in 1905, a Christian nation'. Why is that so remarkable? 

The Times They Were A-Changin' The 60's and the Decline of the Christian West

It is said that today we are deep in a Culture War. But culture is nothing other than religion externalized and made explicit. What we are experiencing today is not a war of cultures, but the for­mal adoption, the outworking of a different religion, a religion that had long ago won the hearts and minds of a people. The real battle — the battle for the soul of Western Civilization, the battle between Christianity and Evolutionary, Egalitar­ian Humanism — was over and won in the 60's. The rest is formality: implementation and clean-up.