This is a Children’s Devotion on Psalm 63:1 and 3.

2019. 1 pages.

Psalm 63:1, 3

Read: Psalm 63:1-8

Are you ever lonely, frustrated, angry, hurting, or just plain sad? Do you ever feel like you want to receive comfort and joy? Hopefully you have parents, friends or others you can go to when you feel like this. But even though they can comfort you a bit, they can’t take away your pain, they can’t remove your hurt, they can’t fill your emptiness.

But God can help, and God wants to help! God wants you to go to him with all your troubles. When David wrote Psalm 63, he was in the wilderness. He may very well have been fleeing from Absalom. You can imagine that he might have been very scared, lonely, and sad in the wilderness. His own son was trying to kill him.

It’s while David is feeling like this that he sings, “Oh Lord, you are my God. I thirst for you, I long for you.” Imagine a man in the desert who is really thirsty. All he wants is water to quench his thirst. David is really sad, and all he wants is God to comfort him. David wants to drink from God’s love.

And David knows that God will comfort him, that God will satisfy his needs, that God will be with him. In verse 3 he says that God’s love is better than life itself. God’s love is bigger, is greater, is stronger than anything and everything in life. God’s love covers all things for his covenant children. God’s love is so great that he gives us Jesus Christ as our Saviour. God’s love is so great that he gives us his Spirit to be part of us, to live in us.

And so God will help you when you are lonely, frustrated, angry, or sad. Pray to him and ask him to fill you with his love and comfort. Ask him to help you in your hurt. Remember, his love is bigger than life itself. As God’s special child you will receive comfort and help from God. God will carry you, also through difficult times.

Reflection with your child:

Do you remember to go to God in prayer when you need comfort?

Source: Sermon by Rev. W. den Hollander

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