This is a Children’s Devotion on Numbers 6:22-27.

2022. 1 pages.

Numbers 6:22-27

Just imagine for a moment that God were here with you. Of course, God is always with us, but imagine that he were standing in front of you. Imagine the glorified Lord Jesus, still with his human face and human body, were standing in front of you. How would he be looking at you? What expression would the Lord have on his face. Remember that he knows all your thoughts, words, and actions. What look would be on his face?

Let me tell you that God would have his face turned towards you and he would be looking at you with love and tenderness. There would be no anger in his eyes or disappointment on his face. He would not be scowling at you. Rather he would be smiling at you with a look of total love and grace.

This is because God sees you through Jesus Christ. When he looks at you, he sees you as being without any sin. He sees you as his child, who has kept all his commandments perfectly. And so God would be looking at you with tenderness, love, and grace.

We are reminded of this every Sunday when we leave church and hear these words of blessing from the Lord: “The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”

Just before you leave the church building you receive the blessing of the Lord. This means that the Lord looks on you with favour and love. The Lord is going to help you to serve him. He is going to keep you close to himself. He is going to help you fight against sin and evil.

And God will never turn his face away from his children. Even if you are going through hard things, God will continue to care for you and love you and keep you close to himself. He will always look at you through Jesus Christ and so make his face shine upon you!

Reflection with your child:

How does the Lord look at you?

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