This is a Children’s Devotion on Numbers 15:1-10, 17-21.

2019. 1 pages.

Numbers 15:1–10, 17–21

Read: Numbers 15:1-21

As you read these verses from Numbers 15, you may think, Why is it so important to read about all these offerings and sacrifices as we don’t need to make sacrifices today anymore? But do you know that we can still learn a lot about how the Lord wants us to serve him from these verses.

Moses had to tell the people that when they entered into the Promised Land, then these sacrifices were to be a part of their lives. These offerings showed their love and thankfulness to the Lord. God was to be the focus of their worship and praise. Everything was to be centred on God.

We see that the people were told that when they made a loaf of bread, they were to give the first of that bread to the Lord. We know from Leviticus that this was given to the priests. But the point is that they had to first give some to the Lord to show their thankfulness and to acknowledge that it was God who gave it to them. It was an everyday reminder to them that everything belonged to the Lord. It also reminded them that they had to depend on the Lord to receive all their blessings.

So what about you? When you open a loaf of bread, do you need to give the first slice to the Lord? When you open a bag of apples, do you need to give the first apple to the Lord? No you don’t, but you do need to remember that it is the Lord who gives you all these blessings, and so you need to thank him for them. And when you’re old enough to earn money, always remember to give some to the Lord first, before you use it for yourself.

If you want to live close to the Lord, then you need to show your love for the Lord, you need to trust in the Lord in everything, and you need to thank him for his many blessings.

Reflection with your child:

How do you remember that everything you have comes from God?

Source: Sermon by Rev. D. Agema

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