This is a Children’s Devotion on Luke 24:16, 31a.

2020. 1 pages.

Luke 24:16, 31a

Read: Luke 24:13-35

You know the story well. Two of Jesus’ disciples were walking home a few days after Jesus had died. They were friends of Jesus and so were sad as they were discussing his death together. Then suddenly Jesus appeared to them, but they didn’t recognize him.

Why didn’t they recognize him? They had been Jesus disciples, and Jesus had only died a few days before. Verse 16 tells us that their eyes were closed so that they did not know him. God kept them from recognizing Jesus because they didn’t yet understand why he had to die. Until they understood why Jesus had to die, it would be impossible for them to really understand and recognize Jesus. These disciples had been expecting Jesus to be a Saviour who would save them from the Romans. To them a dead Saviour made no sense at all.

Before they would be able to really recognize Jesus, they would need to understand exactly who he was. That’s why Jesus goes through the Old Testament with them, showing how the whole Old Testament points to our need for a Saviour. The whole Old Testament points to Jesus Christ. They needed to understand their sins and their need to be saved. Only when they understood that, would they understand that Jesus didn’t come to save them from their earthly enemies but to save them from their sins. It wasn’t until after Jesus explained this to them that they suddenly recognized Jesus. God allowed them to recognize Jesus at that time, because then they saw him as the Jesus who came to save them from their sins, as the Saviour who had to die and rise again from the dead. Then they knew that Jesus couldn’t stay in the grave. He had paid for sins with his death and was alive again. He was their living Saviour. Now they could rejoice in the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Reflection with your child:

What about you? Do you recognize Jesus? Do you understand that it is because of your sins that Jesus had to come? If you do, then you too can rejoice because Christ has died and risen!

Source: Sermon by Rev. R. Vermeulen

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