This is a Children’s Devotion on Luke 2:29-30.

2020. 1 pages.

Luke 2:29-30

Read: Luke 2:25-35

Do you wait excitedly for your birthday? A few days before your birthday you might wake up in the morning and remember that it is only three more days. Then the next day only two, then one, and then it is your birthday.

Simeon was also waiting eagerly for something. The Lord had told him that he would see the Lord Jesus before he died. Simeon believed the words of the Lord. He knew that the comfort of Israel was coming. You can imagine how he must have waited eagerly for this, probably waking up in the mornings wondering if this would be the day that he would see Jesus.

Then one day the Lord directed him, by the Spirit, to go to the temple. This was the day that Joseph and Mary brought the baby Jesus to the temple. Simeon took Jesus in his arms and then responded in praise. He had been eagerly waiting to see the Lord Jesus, and now he finally saw him, and so he praises the Lord.

He says that he can now depart or die in peace, because he has seen salvation. He calls Jesus salvation. He knows that Jesus Christ has come to earth to bring salvation to all people. Anyone who believes in this Jesus will be saved. Simeon saw Jesus and knew that he had seen God’s grace.

Have you seen Jesus?

Well, in a way we certainly have seen Jesus. We see him when we read the Bible. We can see more and more of him every day as we read more of the Bible.

But we will also see Jesus face to face one day. When Jesus returns on the clouds of heaven, we will see him, not as a baby, but as the almighty King of kings and Lord of lords.

Reflection with your child:

As you struggle with sins in this life, or live with pain or hardships, do you eagerly wait for Christ to return? Do you look forward to the day when the struggle with sin will be ended and all suffering will be gone? Eagerly wait for Christ to return, and pray, “Come, Lord Jesus! Maranatha!”

Source: Sermon by Rev. W. den Hollander

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