This is a Children’s Devotion on Luke 14:16-24.

2019. 1 pages.

Luke 14:16-24 (part 2)

Although this parable teaches us that we must always put God first in our life, it also shows us God’s great love and grace. When some people refused to come to the wedding feast because they had other things to do, the servant was told to go and gather the lame, the poor and the blind to come to the feast.

To be a part of God’s great wedding feast, we must be poor and blind. This doesn’t mean that we must actually be poor and blind, but rather that we must be poor spiritually. This means that we must realise that we can’t save ourselves. We must be saddened because of our sins. We must go to Jesus, knowing that through him we receive forgiveness of sins. It’s only because of his death on the cross and his perfect obedience for me, that I am allowed to go to the wedding feast of the Lord. I am allowed to belong to the Lord because of Jesus’ love for me.

But, in this parable, even after the blind and poor had been gathered in to the feast, there was still room left. So the servant was told to go and convince many other people from the highways outside the city to come to the feast. This again points to God’s grace and love, as he calls many people from every tribe and nation to belong to him.

It also means that we must continue to share the good news about God’s grace and love to many other people. You need to show God’s love in the way you live. You need to live as a Christian. Show in the way that you act that you are a forgiven child of the Lord. Be kind and loving to those around you. You must also share God’s love with other people by telling them about the Lord. Also remember to pray for mission work where pastors go out and share this love of the Lord with people who have never read the Bible or heard of the Lord.

Reflection with your child:

How can you share God’s love with people around you?

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