This is a Children’s Devotion on Judges 6:30-31.

2020. 1 pages.

Judges 6:30-31

Read:Judges 6:25-32

Gideon, obeying God’s command, destroyed the altar to Baal and replaced it with an altar to God. In the morning when the people woke up and saw what Gideon had done, they were very angry. They were so angry that they told Joash, Gideon’s father, to bring him out so that they could kill him.

Joash was the one who owned this altar to Baal. So we can assume that Joash would have worshiped Baal as well. So how does he respond to the altar being destroyed? Does he also get angry at Gideon like the people of the city do?

Amazingly, Joash must have realized that God is stronger than Baal. God worked in his heart so that he saw that Baal was just a useless idol. He said to the people, “Are you trying to save Baal? If he is a god, why can’t he save himself? You looked to this idol to help you and now he can’t even help himself. If he is really a god let him save himself.”

God is showing the people that Baal is no god at all. He is teaching them that he himself is the only true God. He is the one that the people should be looking to for help and salvation. He is also showing them that when there is a lie (Baal can help you) and the truth (God is the only true God), the truth will always win.

Many times today we hear lies. Even in our own hearts we know there are lies. Maybe the lie that it doesn’t matter if you say nasty things to your brother because he’s always nasty to you. Maybe the lie that sharing a bit of gossip won’t hurt the other person.

Don’t believe these lies. The people believed the lie that Baal could help them, but God’s truth showed that Baal was nothing more than an idol. Never believe the lies, but always believe the true Word of God.

Reflection with your child:

What are some lies in your life?

Source: Sermon by Rev. R. Vermeulen

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