2019. 1 pages.

Daniel 3:16-18

Read: Daniel 3:1-18

Do you ever think about persecution? Do you wonder if you would be strong enough to stand up for the Lord? Do you ever think that if you were one of Daniel’s three friends, you might have been too scared and so bowed down to the statue of Nebuchadnezzar?

Well, Daniel’s three friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, were no different than you. But look at the bold answer that they give to the king. The king tells them that he will give them one more chance to bow down to the statue. If they don’t, then they will be thrown into the fire, “where,” Nebuchadnezzar said, “no god will be able to save you.” And they answer by saying, “We actually don’t have to answer you, O King, but we want you to know that our God is certainly able to save us from the fire. We don’t know if he will choose to save us, but we know that he is able to.”

They have total faith in God’s ability to save them. They know that he is all-powerful, totally able to save them. And even though they don’t know whether God will actually save them, they are ok with that.

How can they have such faith and calmness when being faced with the possibility of being thrown in the fire? It is because God is with them. God gives them this faith in him. God gives them this confidence to trust in him.

So how can you have this same faith and confidence when you are faced with uncertainty or possible persecution? Would you be as brave as these three friends? Yes! Because God is at work in you as well. He will give you the strength and grace you need when you face hard things.

Know that God is with you each and every day, and he is giving you all you need to serve him, each and every day!

Reflection with your child:

Would you be able to stand up for the Lord, like the three friends did? How?

Source: Sermon by Rev. D. Poppe

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