This is a Children’s Devotion on 1 Thessalonians 1:7-8.

2020. 1 pages.

1 Thessalonians 1:7-8

Read: 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10

Have you ever heard your echo? To get a good echo you need to be standing in a big room or large valley. You can call out loudly and your words come back to you in the echo.

Paul says that the Word of God is sounding forth or echoing from the Thessalonians. The joy in God that the Thessalonians had in their life, even while things were difficult for them, was an example to the Christians around them.  The people around them could see their trust in God during these difficult times. They could see that the Thessalonians were still joyful. As they were living their life in this way, other believers heard about it. It was like an echo spreading to more and more people.

The people around them weren’t just hearing about the life of the Thessalonians, but they were hearing how the Word of God was giving the Thessalonians joy in faith, and how the Word of God was helping them in their life. It was the Word of the Lord that was echoing out.

What about in your life? Does the Word of the Lord echo forth in your life? Can the people around you see that you are joyful even during times when things are difficult for you?

This is an important reminder for all of us. When we speak to others about things that happen in our lives, we need to remember to talk about how God has been with us. We can speak of the joy we have knowing that we are safe in God’s hands. In this way God’s Word can sound forth or echo out of our lives and mouths.

Sometimes we don’t even need to speak. Just living our lives as joyful Christians will be seen and noticed by others. People around you are watching how you are living. If they know you are a Christian, they will be watching you closely. May we all be examples to those around us and let God’s Word sound forth from our lives.

Reflection with your child:

How do you think the people around you can see that you are a Christian?

Source: Meditation by Rev. R. Vermeulen

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