Misconceptions? A Christian Perspective on Issues in Early Life Ethics and Family Planning
When does life start? This article examines the scientific, biblical and theological views on this question.
When does life start? This article examines the scientific, biblical and theological views on this question.
How should the use of contraceptives as instruments of family planning be viewed from a theological perspective? The arrival of the Pill in 1960 caused a major shift in thinking about this topic. Hollinger considers the theological argument against contraception that has too often been missing in ethical considerations in Protestant circles.
In this analysis, the author traces the degradation of longstanding morals around sex and marriage, noting the involvement of such factors as utilitarian philosophy and the technological advances in contraception.
After showing that sex is not only intended for procreation and that the Bible does allow the regulation of reproduction, this articles evaluates the use of contraception by Christians. The author states that many contraceptives used are abortive in nature, and discourages Christians to use these contraceptives. He encourages Christians to wrestle with the issue of family planning, so that it may be done to the glory of God.
This article is about birth control, procreation and the use of contraception. The author looks at children as a gift from God, the purpose of sex, and at marriage as the image of the relationship between Christ and the church.
This article is about the use of birth control and contraception. The author also discusses children as a blessing from God.