From Galatians 5:22-23 this article looks at peace as the fruit of the Spirit.

Source: The Youth Messenger, 2014. 1 pages.

Peace Peace is Precious, External, Available, Challenged, and Evident

History, church, family, and individual experience all demonstrate that peace is a most precious thing. Peace is precious because it is rare. Conflict between countries and various groups, as well as unease and unrest within many people is far too common. Groups and individuals seek and work for peace through negotiations, increasing self-awareness, and other means of conflict resolution. Others turn to stimulants or depressant drugs in an attempt to achieve peace. But all of these efforts cannot bring about true, lasting peace. All of the above mentioned methods seek a solution to the lack of peace externally. Do you see peace as a precious treasure, and do you see that its source must be outside yourself?

Not only is peace precious and external, but the message of God's Word is that peace is available for whoever will have it. Jesus lived a perfect life and died a sacrificial death in order to reconcile the triune God with sinners. The result of believing on Jesus for salvation is receiving three kinds of peace through the ministry of the Holy Spirit – peace with God, peace with others, and peace with one's self. God has accomplished the humanly impossible feat of bringing about true lasting peace. He promises to give it to everyone who asks Him for it.

But though God's people do have this peace, it is also challenged in various ways. Unrepentant, persistent sin will interrupt a Christian's sense of peace with God. Such a person does not lose his salvation, but he does lose the experience of God's love and favor until he repents. Our sins and the sins of others threaten our peace with God's people. Peace is not automatic, and every Christian must do his utmost to promote peace between himself and others (Romans 12:18.) The world, the flesh, and the devil all challenge the internal peace of believers. We ought not to be surprised that our feelings of peace vary with the circumstances of our lives. Challenges to our peace are a continued call to look to Jesus, the Prince of Peace, for the resources to grow in peace.

The spiritual fruit of peace ought to be an evident fruit in the lives of God's people. It promotes unity in the truth and avoids all unnecessary divisions. At the same time, when the truth is at stake, the promoter of peace will stand for truth as lovingly and winsomely as possible. The believer in Jesus will seek to follow the example of Jess in demonstrating the source and impact of three-fold peace. Jesus earned this three-fold peace in order that the Holy Spirit could give it and God the Father would be glorified.

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