What makes abortion wrong? This article explains that to realize abortion is murder, one must think on the question: what is life? The author considers this from a biblical perspective.

Source: The Banner of Truth (NRC), 1990. 3 pages.


Today there is much being spoken and written about abortion. According to the judgment of many, it should be possible for a girl or mother, who becomes pregnant and does not desire the child or cannot care for the child, to go to a doctor for an operation to take away the pregnancy. They say that a girl or mother has the right to do this, and the life of such an unborn child at that time means nothing. Abortion is considered as being only the removal of a growing cell, and nothing more.

But what is the answer of the Word of God to the question – Has a girl or mother the right to terminate the pregnancy, that is, to kill the unborn child which she bears in her body? The answer of the Word of God is – No! From the viewpoint of Scripture abortion is murder.Abortion

And why, according to the Bible, is abortion considered as murder? We answer – because it is the killing of a human being. To realize that abortion is murder, we must think about the question – What is life?

All life originates in God; the living God is the origin of all that lives. But the living God is especially the origin of human life. We read of man's begin­ning in Genesis 2:7, "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul." Here we are taught that our life is from God in a very special way; man has received his life from the breath of God. Everything was created by God's powerful word, but man was formed by God's hands of the dust of the earth, and afterwards God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. The old Jewish rabbis say of this text that God, as with a kiss of His lips, gave life unto man. Out of God's mouth life has been transferred to man. Since our breath comes directly from God, man is therefore more than an animal and a plant. Man bears the breath of God in his nostrils and has a soul, a never-dying spirit. It is necessary to bear this in mind when we speak about human life.

Job says, "The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life." Therefore we must respect life, but especially human life. Murder is so terrible be­cause we make an end to the time of grace of a human being who possesses a precious, never-dying soul. It is be­cause these things are not known and realized that in these days murders and suicides are so easily committed. And this is also the reason why abortion is so lightly spoken about. Human life is viewed as an extension of plant or animal life, and not as a result of God's breathing the breath of life into man's nostrils.

The Bible teaches us that man has been created after God's image and likeness, and that therefore human life has such a high value. Man can lose his never-dying soul. Abortion is a fruit of lack of respect for life, for the life of a human being created for eternity. We need to have respect for life, also in its first beginning. If we don't consider this biblically, we arrive at the conclu­sion of the world that abortion is only the killing of an unprofitable weed – then abortion is only the removal of a growing cell and nothing more. But what grows in the mother is more than a cell; it is more than the growth of a piece of flesh. Even in its first beginning, a human being is growing in the mother.

Recently I read in a Dutch church paper a very striking article, which was a report based upon medical research and which speaks for itself.

A Diary of a Child That Was Never Born🔗

July 1 – Today my existence began and although I am smaller than the period after this sentence, I am there.

July 7 – Now I am a week old but no one recognizes me as yet. I have the appearance as if I were a cluster with 150 grapes and am seeking a permanent place in the small chamber of my mother, in order to grow.

July 9 – My body is beginning to form. The 150 cells of the day before yesterday have now become many thousands, from which organs are beginning to develop.

July 15 (2 weeks) – My first veins are there and my small head is becoming constantly prettier.

July 25 (3 weeks) – My heart is beginning to beat. Although still very small, yet in proportion to my whole body, it is nine times as large as yours, Mamma.

July 27 (4 weeks) – My arms are growing rapidly, but my bones have difficulty in keeping up with this pace. I am now already 10,000 times larger than on the first day. It is true, that with my four millimeters, I am not as yet so big, but all things are there already: eyes and ears, mouth and brains, kidneys and liver.

August 2 (1 month) – Today I have received the most beautiful fingers. With these I will hold onto you, Mamma.

August 6 (5 weeks) – Now I have a little nose. My ears are also completely ready and they look like yours.

August 14 (6 weeks) – One would now be able to photograph me. I already look the same as at my birth. Milk teeth buds are already forming in my jaw. My brains are already sending impulses out to the other organs. My heart is beating fast; my stomach, my liver and my kidneys are functioning well.

August 16 – Today Mamma discovered that I am with her. Why is she so concerned?

August 27 (8 weeks) – I now have eyelids. The vocal chords are also formed. If I had air, I would like to coo from joy, because it can be clearly seen that I am a girl.

August 29 (2 months) – I can feel pain. Eyelids and palms of hands react upon being touched. Then I draw my little eyes momentarily or make a real fist.Abortion

August 30 (2 months) – I can already frown with my forehead, just as if I want to reflect upon something. That I am doing now because I really cannot conceive why Mamma is making herself so concerned.

September 3 (9 weeks) – It is wonderful! I can breathe; I swallow liquid and yet this does not cause me to choke, because Mamma always takes care of the necessary oxygen. Between ourselves, this swallowing is important for the forming of lung lobes.

September 18 (11 weeks) – Now I can already "suck my thumb," dear Mamma. And that I do too, in order to have everything well with both of us. When I raise my upper lip it is as if I am laughing. Those who are learned say that it is only an early stage of the sucking reflexes. But nevertheless, for you it is actually laughing, because I feel myself safe with you and altogether happy.

September 19 (12 weeks) – Today Mamma, upon the insistence of others, wants to kill me. Please do not do so, dear Mamma; there are so many people who will assist you in your anxieties.

From: "Truth and Life"

I hope that the Lord will grant us, especially our young and rising generation, a respect for life, also in its first beginning, and, whereas sex and birth are so often spoken of in filthy words, that He will also give us to understand what a wonder and blessing of God the birth of a child is!

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