Can a Lonely Faith Save?

Did James teach justification by works? This article looks at James 2:14-26 and the question of the relationship between justification and good works. It shows that there is no contradiction between James and Paul. It looks at Luther’s struggle with this text, and shows that James deals with dead faith in contrast to living faith. It also shows how the Reformers dealt with the text.

Justification and Final Judgment according to Works

What does it mean that believers will be judged by works? This article shows that the believer’s justification and eternal salvation are rooted in the merit of Christ. Therefore there is no room for future justification. Out of his grace God will reward the good works of believers; however, even this remains an act of God’s grace.

Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses and the Beginning of the Reformation

The 95 Theses of Luther was an important event in the reformation of the church. What were the causes for Luther to write this? Other things discussed in the article are the indulgences, the gospel and good works, and the consequences of the theses (Heidelberg disputation 1518, hearing at Augsburg 1518 and Diet of Worms 1521).