1994?: Another Misguided Attempt to Date the Return of Our Lord

This article considers the argument used by Harold Camping in the early '90s that the return of Christ would happen in 1994. Camping developed a timetable of redemptive history, beginning with the date of creation and ending with the date of Christ's return. The author discusses what is wrong with the argument, stressing in particular that the Bible makes clear that no one can know the time or date of the second coming.

The Return of Christ: An Event Whose Time No One Knows

Many Christians who have a vested interest in the Bible's teaching about the future also have an impulse to project when the return of Christ will occur. This article considers the biblical passages that speak about the impropriety of this impulse: it considers passages that seem to speak of the imminence of Christ's return, and passages that speak of a delay or extension of the period of timw before his return. It makes clear from Scripture that no one knows the day or hour of Christ's return.

Postmillennialism – Its Historical Development

In this article on postmillennialism, the author first focuses on how it was viewed in history. He then continues by showing different strands of postmillennialism, after which he discusses the distinctives of this view in eschatology (universal proclamation of the gospel, the conversion of Israel and the fulness of the Gentiles, and the coming of the Antichrist).

Return of Christ: The Consummating Event at the End of the Age

Will the return of Christ bring history to a close, or will it mark the beginning of a new phase in the history of redemption (i.e. the beginning of the millennium)? This article explains briefly the premillennialist or dispensationalist response to this, and goes on to explain from Scripture that the second coming will be a consummating event at the end of the age.

Heaven – Heaven in Paul's Letters

The focus in chapter 4 is Paul’s view of heaven. The author reflects upon the eschatological aspects of heaven, notably the final state of believers. He first notes the Old Testament background to Paul’s understanding of heaven, then the basic structure of Paul's thought, and finally a focus on the believer’s final, future state prior to and after the return of Christ.