Face Your Doubt and Then Fight It
This brief article is written to encourage believers in their fight against doubt.
This brief article is written to encourage believers in their fight against doubt.
This article provides a biblical perspective on doubt, and biblical direction for dealing with it.
Reading plays a big role in the growth of the pastor. How do you decide which books to read? This article offers six priorities to help you plan your reading and choosing of books that are worth your time.
This article shows how Jesus became a substitute for us in a massive way, in his taking the place of Barabbas.
How do you use your Twitter account? Consider these eight theses on Twitter, its strengths and weaknesses, and how Christians should be using this social media outlet.
This article offers ten insights on the exodus from Egypt, including: it is an event in which God discloses his identity, it is a basis for prophetic expectation, it provides a framework within which to understand the work of Christ, and it gives us a sense of our place in God's work of redemption.
This article explains with several examples how from beginning to end, the incarnation of Christ was a theophany.
This article raises ten important points about the person and work of 19th century Reformed theologian B.B. Warfield.
This article addresses questions such as: Are our Bible translations accurate? Were the original sources accurately copied? Were these originals truly the best sources? Were the original authors mistaken? The conclusion is certain: we have every reason to believe the Bible is reliable.
This article provides a historical survey of the Greek New Testament, looking at both early and modern attempts to standardize the text.
This article raises a number of features of Pelagius and Pelagianism, including his emphases in his theology (e.g., his view of free will).
This article carefully raises ten points that believers should know about sex.
This article presents three things for fathers to do in raising their children: be tender, discipline, and instruct.
This article lists ten things worth knowing about the church father Athanasius.
This article recounts the events leading up to the excommunication of Martin Luther.
This article offers ten points of interest on the person and work of Jonathan Edwards.
This article highlights four key truths about Christian giving: it is both a spiritual gift and a discipline of discipleship, a management of God's money, a ministry with God's money, and a mindset regarding God's money.
This article offers ten insights into the person and work of Martin Luther, including: he caused a U-turn in theology, designed his own "Luther rose," published prolifically, had his eye on the devil, and was a family man.
This article addresses five commonly mentioned things about Martin Luther that are actually myths: he was a simple monk, he personally nailed the Ninety-Five Theses to a door in Wittenberg, he said, "Here I stand," he was the first to translate the Bible into German, and he said something about planting a tree.
This article discusses what Martin Luther really believed about scriptural authority, and thus what he meant by sola Scriptura.
This article raises points for parents to consider in helping their children grow in eagerness to read the Bible.
This article underlines how sanctification is a lifelong process, and that God does not follow a certain schedule but takes his time with us.
This article offers three definitions of biblical theology, from Geerhardus Vos, D.A. Carson, and Stephen Wellum.
This article raises and evaluates five common excuses for not evangelizing, and follows up with a plan to alter the course and look for opportunities for evangelism.
This article discusses ten important features about God's attributes, including: he is simple, infinite, eternal, unchangeable, independent, omnipotent, love, and his attributes shine forth most clearly in Christ.
This article presents ten things worth knowing about being single, including: marriage does not make life easier, Christ is to be our greatest pleasure, and our heavenly Father knows what we need.
This article discusses the patience of God.
This article considers a few reasons we are we succumb so easily to digital distractions. We use them to keep away work, people, and thoughts of eternity.
This article alerts users of smartphones to the positives and negatives of these devices.
This article mentions ten items about St. Patrick, including what he wrote, his conversion, and work.
This article addresses the notion of soul sleep after death, and what John Calvin had to say about it. He said that the soul is immortal, and after death waits consciously for the resurrection.
This article demonstrates that everyone experiences loneliness at various times, and such loneliness can only be filled in Jesus Christ.
This article features some of the major characteristics of the decree of God, with ample biblical support.
This article considers ten items worth knowing about the incarnation of Christ. It includes mention of how his divine nature and human nature came together in one person.
This article addresses the question of whether Christ could have sinned, a crucial question in Christology. To wrestle with the question, one has to do justice to these truths: Jesus never actually sinned, he was tempted, and God cannot sin. Wellum demonstrates that Christ was unable to sin (he was impeccable).
After Christ's resurrection, are the limitations of his incarnation permanent? Read this article for an answer.
This article raises ten lesser-known interesting and relevant truths about the Reformation, including who started it, what it was about, and how it still matters.
How can care for cancer patients be shown? When one of the parents suffers from cancer, children are also affected. This article shares practical ways to support children in such a case.
This article offers sage tips for helping those who are grieving: listen, weep, send notes, mark your calendar with the day of the person's death, pay for funeral-related things, and point them to Christ.
This article reminds parents that change in their children is the work of God alone. This is intended to foster parents' dependence upon the Lord, and their function as agents, not authors, of change.
This article offers five truths about the love of God. It speaks about his inter-Trinitarian love, his providential love, his love for the world, his love for his elect, and his conditional love.
This article explores the difference that being single makes on loving and serving God. It points out that sex does not make a difference on our relationship with God, we find our identity and experience love within the family of God, some will endure not being married for the sake of God's kingdom, and getting married makes life more complicated.
This article highlights ten key notes about the doctrine of definite atonement.
This article speaks to the pain of childlessness in marriage, and shows how couples are to serve God whether he has entrusted children to them, or in his providence has withheld children from them.
This article explores the value of maintaining a good conscience. It addresses the question of whether your conscience is perfectly reliable, and then shows how you can calibrate your conscience.
This article considers ten things the believer should know about his union with Christ.
This article shows that the Christian life is impossible to live and make sense of without 2 Corinthians. The letter shows that the way up is down, as it was with Christ.
This article helpfully outlines some key features about the love of God.
This article explains the incomprehensibility of God, why he is incomprehensible, and the implications of this. It also explains that God is still knowable, and the implications thereof.
This article shows that the book of Revelation is not just about the future, but also about the past and the present.
This article succinctly provides ten things that the Word of God says about election.
In question and answer format, this article addresses the notion that complementarianism leads to the oppression of women. It shows that Christlike, sacrificial headship has the good of the wife in view.
This article offers ten thoughts on the resurrection as the core of the Christian message.
This article reflects on the character of the minister as Paul speaks of it in 2 Timothy 4:5.
For the sake of personal or corporate Bible study, this article offers a three-step approach to studying the Bible. It involves asking three kinds of questions of a text—first observation, then elucidation, and finally application.
This article finds its starting point in Paul's word in 2 Timothy 4:6-8, and discusses four elements that are essential for finishing well (or aging as a believer). They revolve around a daily reliance upon the Lord and his gospel.
This article explores the spiritual discipline of meditation, giving consideration to a number of Scripture references.
Using 1 Peter 2:11-12 as framework, this article discusses the necessity of good works in the life of a Christian. The article gives a survey of what the New Testament epistles say about good works.
This article provides five reasons why family worship is important. These include the points that God deserves daily worship, you can speak the gospel into the daily lives of your family members, and you can provide a regular time for your children to learn from you.
This article explains the meaning of the third commandment in its various parts. It spells out how God's name was far more than just a name, and so any sin against his name is very great.
This article stresses the value of husbands starting family worship where previously it was not there. It gives eight reasons to begin, followed by a consideration of why we struggle to begin, and concludes by urging the reader to resolve to begin, or support the beginning of, family worship.
At its root, legalism is the failure to see the generosity of God and his wise and loving plans for us. Legalism is rooted in a distorted view of God as the giver of his law. This is what the article helpfully explains, by using the first sin in Paradise as proof.
This article gives three reasons why the miracles of Jesus are still relevant today: they show that he is fully God, fully human, and the one and only Messiah.
This article considers the virgin birth of Christ from three perspectives: Was it possible? Was it theologically necessary? Is it a legitimate fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah 7:14?
This article provides a history of the Christmas carol "Joy to the World," and some thoughts on how the joy of God flows from us into the world.
By showing the humble origins of the gospel—in Nazareth, in the life of a poor peasant girl—this article points out that the good news of Christmas is for the poor and humble.
By way of explaining of 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12, the author highlights three ways we can show brotherly love, and two reasons why these opportunities are important.
Need a quick summary of any or all of the books of the New Testament? See what this article has to offer.
Need a quick summary of any or all of the books of the Old Testament? See what this article has to offer.
This article assesses the approach of Martin Luther to preaching, and how in spite of its one-size-fits-all approach, it reminds us that the Word of God has power in itself.
This article explores the matter of Christian hope, through the lens of 2 Corinthians 5:1-8.
This article considers Herman Bavinck and his understanding of the Christian life. What lay at the heart of his understanding was the imitation of Christ. His life and writings reveal this, as the article demonstrates.
This article looks at the Roman Catholic concept of apostolic succession. It explores how this concept emerged out of an episcopalian church government and an understanding of the interconnection of Christ and his church. It then follows up with what evangelicals believe concerning apostolicity, namely, the Word-centredness of the church that has as its focus the writings of the apostles.
This article considers the incarnation of the Lord Jesus, particularly the scandal of the virgin conception and birth, and how God does not always do things the way we think he should.
The author makes a strong case for reading Augustine's Confessions. He indicates that this work is not just a memoir; it is a mixed-genre book, including narrative elements and prayers.
This article shows how Martin Luther was a family man who loved children, and wrote about child-rearing himself. It also highlights how he had to grieve multiple times on account of losing children.
This article answers the question more often raised in the homosexual debate: were David and Jonathan lovers? What is the most faithful way to understand their close relationship described in 1 Samuel?
This article offers some encouragement for a pastor to love his wife by first walking with God.
This article considers the first words of Psalm 1, which hold out great blessing and lasting happiness. It considers who really is this blessed man, and the answer can only be: Jesus Christ. And yet the article holds out how we can be blessed.
This article provides the last five of ten benefits of reading the Bible: the Word is the key to answered prayer, the source of wisdom, warnings, and lasting joy, and the armour for defeating the devil.
This article provides the first five of ten benefits of reading the Bible, which include the strengthening of faith, the sustaining of life, and the giving of hope.
This article reflects on the contribution that Romans makes to the canon of Scripture.
This article considers the Lord Jesus' footwashing of his disciples in John 13. The article shows that the way to go up to power is down.
This article presents John Calvin's understanding of the role of the pastor. It also points out that the pastor may not stand in the way of Christ alone having the dominion in his church.
This article discusses wellness] by considering the concept of [[shalom, along with our overriding purpose in life—God's glory—as well as six areas of wellness that we can enjoy in our lives.
This article utters five cautions to consider when discussing what the Bible teaches on gender.
This article considers the sufficiency of Scripture, and gives thought to the difference this makes for the Christian life.
This article gives thought to why Acts should be studied.
This article gives some basic considerations for studying Philippians, which include its emphasis on fellowship.
This article reflects on some of the New Testament data concerning elders.