The Kryptonite Within
Pride can motivate you to be a hero, but it can also demotivate you not to be one. How? Pride has many faces. This article explains four of them.
Pride can motivate you to be a hero, but it can also demotivate you not to be one. How? Pride has many faces. This article explains four of them.
Pastoral ministry is measured by the faithfulness of the pastor. How do you foster faithfulness in ministry? This article mentions three healthy fears that a pastor should develop.
Prayer is essential to the life and ministry of the pastor. What is it that should motivate the prayers of the pastor? This article offers such four motives.
House visits are crucial to the health of the church. Therefore, pastoral visits should form part of the pastor's work. Why is it that pastors find home visits discouraging and thus do not do them? This article discusses five reasons why pastors do not visit.
Every pastor wants to build a successful ministry. This article explains what success in ministry is, according to Scripture: depending on the powerful work of the Holy Spirit.
This article, through the lens of Philippians 4:6-7, considers the blessing of prayer and the peace the believer has in Christ, in the face of frailty and danger.
When the gospel is preached, which response comes first, faith or repentance? This article weighs in, revealing that each implies the other.
This article considers the work of the Holy Spirit in bringing about change in peoples' hearts. It examines this work through the lens of John 16:8-11.
This article considers three aspects to finding evangelists that can function in the local church: develop a culture of evangelism, develop and teach a model for evangelism, and deploy people into evangelistic ministry.
The author suggests that churches should have an evangelist as part of their leadership.
This article considers the doctrine of progressive sanctification, or growth in holiness, also as it was pursued by William Perkins. It also considers what are the marks of credible godliness.
This article offers concrete suggestions for praying through the second half of the Lord's Prayer.
This article offers concrete suggestions for praying through the first three petitions of the Lord's Prayer.
This article discusses and evaluates the heresy of Apollinarianism.
This article discusses and evaluates the heresy of Arianism, so-called because of its head, Arius. Due consideration is given to the Council of Nicea.
This article considers how the fourth commandment relates to our sanctification.
This article considers certain vices in the life of Absalom that David failed to address as father.
Is the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer orthodox? This article offers some cautionary remarks.
This article lists fifteen reasons why a minister needs to make time for pastoral visits.
What exactly is the mission of the church? This article suggests there are three aspects: the church exists to glorify God, build up the saints, and evangelize the world.
This article is an exposition of 2 Timothy 4:9-15, 19-22.
This article is an exposition of 2 Timothy 4:6-8.
This article considers the message of Lamentations.
This article considers Numbers 25:13 and Phinehas's jealousy for God.
This article discusses an ancient heresy, Sabellianism, which was a perversion of the truth of the Trinity.
This article explores the ancient heresy Gnosticism, which bears influence still today.
This article provides some counsel on how to establish and maintain daily personal devotions.
This article considers how Christ's atoning work gives a right standing with God, something Hinduism cannot provide.
What is the parable of the prodigal son really about (Luke 15)? This article weighs in, and suggests it is all about the Father's great love for sinners.
This article is an exposition of 2 Timothy 1:9-10.
This article carefully works out the relationship between God's election unto salvation and the command for all men everywhere to repent and believe.
This article is an exposition of 2 Timothy 1:6, with due consideration of spiritual gifts.
This article is a consideration of our eternal inheritance as Peter describes it in 1 Peter 1:4-5.
Just why exactly does the cross of Christ need to be central in preaching and teaching? This article explores the reason.
This article attempts to explain the growing charismatic movement in Africa. In the process it explains the African spiritual worldview.
This article considers the early years of the life of John Knox leading up to his contributions as a Reformer.
This article considers Colossians 1:22 in context, and provides a key truth that aids us in overcoming grumbling or worrying.
This article considers the subject of persecution, and how we are to develop a Christ-like concern for his suffering people throughout the world.
This article considers the church father Augustine and his The City of God.
This article stresses the importance of having the little children in the worship service.
Why is it important for every believer to understand the doctrine of the Trinity? This article gives the answer.
This article considers how the doctrines of election, limited atonement, and total depravity harmonize with evangelism.
This article considers 1 Peter 2:13-15 and its expression of the Christian's duty to the government.
What will allow the church in exile to face the social agendas of the day? This article suggests four foundations: Word, sacraments, discipline, and worship.
This article considers the letter to the church at Smyrna (Revelation 2:10).
This article is a biography of the life of George Whitefield.
What happens when evangelism is strictly by silent witness? This article urges evangelism that is not only visible but audible.
This article considers the Roman Catholic practice of venerating relics, and whether the Bible validates this.
This article explores when humour is appropriate and inappropriate, also when it comes to preaching.
This article considers those instances where the Lord in his providence withholds children from a couple.
This article considers the work of the Holy Spirit upon the preacher, in both his preparation and delivery of the sermon.
This article, through the lens of Romans 5:12, offers a thorough consideration of whether Adam was a historical figure, and it concludes with some thoughts on what the historical Adam gives us as believers.
This article considers the prayer of Daniel in Daniel 9.
This article considers the perfection of the patience of God.
This article gives much food for thought on how to preach Christ from the Old Testament.
This article considers the immutability of God, that God does not change.
This article considers the teaching of Romans 3:25.
This article is an exposition of Romans 3:24, on justification.
This article considers what it means to know God, in light of the message of John 17:3.
This article considers Paul's commentary on the cross of Christ in 1 Corinthians 1:18-31.
This article is an exposition of Romans 2:14, 15.
This article gives thought to what makes the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22, 23 what they are. What separates the believer from an unbeliever who displays many of these fruit?
This article outlines some things we should know about the Roman Catholic Council of Trent and the decrees it made.
This article considers the second petition of the Lord's Prayer, "Your kingdom come."
This article is an exposition of Romans 1:18, which speaks about the wrath of God.
This article considers the meaning of effectual calling to salvation.
This article considers the biblical teaching of communion with God, interacting with 1 John 1:3 as well as the work of John Owen.
This article reflects on how coveting goes directly against God's design, and therefore how the tenth commandment was given for our benefit.
This article considers Romans 3:25 in context as a motivation for intentional evangelism.
This article considers both the pros and cons of a long-term ministry in one location.
This article, with the help of 1 Corinthians 4:1, considers a couple of qualities that should mark a minister.
This article considers whether the Bible version The Message is worth reading, or using in a worship service.
This article considers Galatians 1:6-9, and why anyone would turn away from the gospel to a different gospel.
This article discusses various virtues for a spiritual leader in the church to embody.
This article is an exposition of Paul's doxology in Romans 11:33.
This second of a two-part article continues to reflect on what is appropriate clothing for Sunday worship. It gives due consideration to how we should come to worship, out of a concern for God and others.
This first of a two-part article considers what is appropriate clothing for Sunday worship.
Are you a pastor without seminary training? This article offers a curriculum for pursuing a theological education on your own.
This article explains what secret sins are, in line with the words of Psalm 19:12. It also considers why we should want to be forgiven of these sins.
How did Paul stay so committed to the Great Commission? The love of Christ enabled him. This article considers this answer by way of 2 Corinthians 5:14.