Many Gifts, One Body
What does it mean that believers have differing gifts, and yet are members of one body? This article discusses the various roles of members of the congregation and the leadership of the pastor. Each member is critical for the proper functioning of the whole body, the church.
My Last Word: Let the Deacons Use Their Office Well
This article is a continuation of the previous articles entitled Diaconal Conferences. Considering the difficult nature of their work, this article is designed to encourage deacons to do their work faithfully and diligently. It is a call to both elders and the congregation to encourage deacons. The author also highlights that Christ promises a reward for faithful deacons - this also is a great encouragement to deacons to perform their work to the best of their abilities.
The Congregation’s Support of the Ministry of the Gospel (2)
These two articles build off of the series entitled The Congregation's Support of Her Diaconate. Is it the obligation of each church member to financially support the ministry of the Gospel? This article looks at the Old Testament in order to answer this question. The author discusses tithing, free will offerings, and assessed fees, showing that these were given to support the tabernacle and temple ministry.
The Congregation’s Support of the Ministry of the Gospel (1)
These two articles build off of the series entitled The Congregation's Support of Her Diaconate. Is it the obligation of each church member to financially support the ministry of the Gospel? The author first defines what the ministry of the Gospel is, and then discusses paying the minister, providing a place of worship, and supporting mission work.
The Congregation’s Support of Her Diaconate (1): The Calling of the Whole Congregation
This article gives a sobering reminder of the congregation's responsibility to support the diaconate. Caring for the poor and needy is the work of the congregation as well as the deacons. This article establishes the biblical ground for this calling, showing that the call is to the congregation as a whole, but also to each and every member of the congregation.