Five Myths about the Bible
The article describes and argues against five myths about the Bible. The author affirms that the Bible is the very Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and is reliable for all times.
How to Pray When You're Struggling to Understand the Bible
Prayer plays a supremely essential part of our study of the Bible. It is difficult to hear what God says in Scripture if you do not pray. The article provides a helpful guide for productive Bible study, especiall in cases where you are struggling to understand the Bible.
To preach the Bible as "the handbook for life," or as the answer to every question, rather than as a revelation of Christ, is to turn the Bible into an entirely different book.
Battling Over the Bible
Worship by the Book
Enjoy Your Bible
Christians should enjoy reading the Bible, since through it we learn more about God.
Bible Breaking, Bible Bending, and Bible Believing
This article looks at three different attitudes people have towards the Bible: open denial of its truth, covert denial of its truth, or full belief and acceptance of it as truth.
Yea, Hath God Said ...
The Bible is the Word of God. This article shows why we can be certain that this is true: the Bible not only claims to be God's Word, but also seems and proves to be.
The Problem of Revelation in Eighteenth-Century Germany: With Particular Reference to Lessing (Concluded)
What is the relation between revelation and history? The article indicates how Lessing responded to the near-veneration of the Bible by the Protestantism of the eighteenth century in Germany time by placing a great emphasis on ethics. Particular attention is given to Lessing's controversy with Goeze.
Cranmer as Reformer
This essay wants to focus attention on the career of Thomas Cranmer as a Reformer. A short historical overview is provided of his life and theological development before the author examines Cranmer's teaching on some of the major points of the Reformatlon. Particular attention is given to the Bible.
Does God Speak Today Apart from the Bible?
Does God speak today apart from the Bible? The author addresses this question, entering into debate with those who believe that God speaks today, such as Jack Deere and Wayne Grudem. In the rest of the article, the author provides some definitions on both sides of the argument.
The Believer and His Bible
This article shows that the most challenge facing believers today is not understanding the Bible, but believing it.
The App of God
Do you find it difficult to accept the Bible coming in the form of an app? Then you must distinguish the nature of the bible and its form.
God Didn't Write a Book
Is technology a threat to the future of the Bible? If you think that the Bible is a book, then technology may be a threat. But the Bible is not just a book. What is it? This article explains.
Understanding Scripture – Reading the Bible in Prayer and Communion with God
The purpose of reading and studying the Bible is communion with God.
The Historical Book
The author argues against the liberal views that the Bible is a collection of myths or that it is not a historical account. The author uses the knowledge of literature experts such as C.S. Lewis and Auerbach to demonstrate why the Bible cannot be viewed as other types of common literature of their times.
Apologies: The Bible
The Role of the Bible in the Life of the Christian
Every Christian’s Conspiracy
The Bible: Reliable History Or Religious Hoax?
How Did We Get the Bible?
By Every Word of God
Revelation (2): The God-Breathed Writings
How is it possible that the Bible does not contain errors, since it is written by imperfect humans? This article answers this question by pointing to the nature of the Bible as God’s word. The Bible is inspired by God, and its authors wrote it through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Bible is infallible since it comes from God, who cannot err.
The More Sure Word
This article is about the supremacy of the written Word. The Bible is God’s inspired revelation on which we should base our faith and trust.
Is the Bible Enough?
Is the Bible sufficient for the spreading of the gospel and the working of faith in unbelievers? Are miracles and signs necessary for effective evangelism? This article answers these questions based on the story of the rich man and the beggar, as recorded in Luke 16:19-31.
Love the Word
What is the Bible?
Have Confidence in the Word
Looking at the battle of the Bible, this article shows that the church has been challenged to confess the inerrancy, sufficiency and authority of scripture. The auther discusses how both fundamentals and modern evangelicals have answered this challenge, calling Christians to have confidence in the word of God.
The Real Bible
Avoiding Silly Mistakes
This article shows that Bible-believing Christians can make silly mistakes in reading their Bible through misapplication, misinterpretation, or misunderstanding.
The Spirit and Scripture: More Than Divine Advice
This article warns against the tendency to treat the Bible as a book that simply gives advice and principles for life. This way of reading scripture tends to promote a self-centered interpretation of scripture. The author also discusses the relationship between inspiration and illumination, the relationship between Word and Spirit.
The New Members Class Outline: Confessing Christ - The Bible, The Basis of Our Confession
This article provides an outline of the book Confessing Christ by Calvin Knox Cummings, including some notes on the Bible, Christ, repentance, faith, and the Christian life.
Perspective On The Word Of God: Introduction And The Nature Of The Word Of God
This article shows that the Word of God cannot be equated with the Bible. God's Word includes His powerful speech (stating what will happen), authoritative speech (stating what ought to happen), and His personal presence. This is the self expression of God, or His Word. This article is about the nature of Scripture.
Why Should We Believe the Bible?
The Role of the Bible in Formation and Transformation
This article is concerned with the part that the Bible plays in the formation of Christians, especially those called to leadership ministry. How can we read the Bible and have it form us, without bringing our own pre-formed agendas to the text? The many challenges in reading the Bible on its own terms is noted, not least laying aside modern categories for enquiry.