The Saving Work of the Holy Spirit in Calvin
The Doctrine of the Church in Holy Scripture
Schools and Creeds
2 Peter 3:13 - We Expect a New World!
Was the Reformation Catholic? Melanchthon’s answer
This article is about the Reformation and the universal church, the one holy Catholic Church. The author discusses Melanchthon's view of the church.
The Boundaries of the Church
This article is about the church and election. The author looks at the visible church and invisible church distinction, the relation of church and faith/believers, and church membership. Jesus Christ and the church is also discussed.
The Catholic Character of the Church
The Doctrine of the Church in Reformed Confessions
This article is about the doctrine of the church as we see it in the Reformed confessions and in the time of the Reformation. It also looks at distinctions such as the visible and invisible church and the true and false church.