Bioethics and the Christian Life – Dying as a Way of Life

Is death an enemy or friend? What is the Christian attitude toward death? How do we best prepare for death? To answer these (and other) questions, Van Drunen helps his readers to consider how to give careful thought to issues such as financial responsibility, wills, and organ donation in light of preparing for death.

Bioethics and the Christian Life – The Christian Confronts Bioethics

The discipline of bioethics is relatively new. New medical technology in the past generation has confronted Christians with issues of life and death never before seen in human history. This Introduction explains that the book considers how Christians are to engage with the matter of bioethics.

To the Ends of the Earth – "For God So Loved the World": John Calvin's Missional Exegesis

In this chapter Haykin reveals John Calvin's approach to Scripture and theology that was clearly pro-missions and pro-evangelism. While Calvin was concerned more directly with purifying the church than initiating a worldwide missions movement, his interpretation of the Bible was consistent with a free proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of the lost.

Liberating Black Theology – Setting the Stage: Defining Terms and Theological Distinctions

This book explores black liberation theology. In the portion of Chapter 1 presented here, the author first identifies what Black Theology is. Next, he explores the relationship between Black Theology and victimology. Victimology is the adoption of victimhood as the core of one’s identity as human being. Bradley then inquires about the major differences between orthodox Christianity and the tradition of Black Liberation Theology.

Disciplines of a Godly Family – Discipline of Establishing a Heritage

The Hughes are convinced that a vital element for building a family is instilling a healthy sense of heritage. By that they mean an appreciation of family roots, both earthly and spiritual. It has become increasingly common in our world for children to have no such sense of continuity or regard for family history. The authors see it as one of the disciplines of a godly family.

Against the Gods – The Birth of the Deliverer

Did the Old Testament make use of the religious ideas of the neighbours of Israel in the ancient Near East? Currid wants to demonstrate that numerous stories from the Old Testament reflect motifs and plots from Israel’s neighbours. In Chapter 6 he considers the possibility that one of these plots about a birth story is borrowed in Exodus 2:1-10.

God's Glory in Salvation through Judgment – Can the Centre Hold?

Hamilton argues that the centre in Biblical Theology is God, who is both merciful and just. The central theme of Scripture, according to Hamilton, is the glory of God in salvation through judgment. In Chapter 1 he first considers whether there is a centre in Scripture that holds everything in Scripture together.

Heaven – Heaven in Paul's Letters

The focus in chapter 4 is Paul’s view of heaven. The author reflects upon the eschatological aspects of heaven, notably the final state of believers. He first notes the Old Testament background to Paul’s understanding of heaven, then the basic structure of Paul's thought, and finally a focus on the believer’s final, future state prior to and after the return of Christ.

The Bible Story Handbook – Why Do We Teach Bible Stories?

This Introduction provides a guide for reading the narrative sections of the Old Testament. It directs readers to the main reasons for telling these stories. Further, it considers the question whether there is a right or wrong way to read and use Bible stories. Finally, it reflects on how to read the narratives within the bigger picture of the Bible.

Delighting in the Law of the Lord – The Source of Law: Humanity or God?

In this chapter the author considers two views on the source of the law. One view is confident that humanity is the only source of law and of the knowledge of good and evil. The other view finds a fountain for the good life for ourselves and society if we turn back to God himself. Law is seen as an expression of the character of God. Questions for personal reflection and group discussion follow at the end of the chapter.

Delighting in the Law of the Lord – The Good Life: Found in Christianity or Postmodernism?

In Chapter 2 Barrs first considers how the past century witnessed a loss of biblical content to people’s views of God, truth, and moral convictions. Two views are considered: a Christian (traditional) view (morality and law are fixed and eternal) and a postmodern view (morality and law are constantly open to change). Questions for personal reflection and group discussion are at the end of the chapter.

Delighting in the Law of the Lord – The Good Life: Do We Need God's Law Today?

Chapter 1 considers issues like the following: What do you think about the law of God? Do you think that you don’t need laws written thousands of years ago to direct your life? The culture in which we live today claims it knows better about how we should live than people from distant times and different cultures. Our scientific knowledge has advanced so much that it is no longer necessary for us to obey a moral code written in a time of comparative ignorance about human life.

Family Worship – As for Me and My House We Will Serve the Lord: Family Worship in the Bible

God is worthy of the daily worship of families. There is no direct, explicit commandment in Scripture about family worship, but the Bible certainly implies that God is to be worshipped in our homes. The author discusses this view with a number of scriptural examples and exhortations.

The Psalter Reclaimed – What Are We Doing Singing the Psalms

In this chapter Wenham first gives a brief overview of the history of the use of the Psalms in congregational worship. He also discusses the specific impact of setting the words of the Psalms to music. Wenham further notes a secondary use of the Psalms, as a resource for private meditation and devotion. He suggests that the book of Psalms is a deliberately organized anthology designed for memorization.

Churches Partnering Together – Catching the Vision: Understanding Kingdom Partnership

The purpose of this book is to show that churches can do more together than they can do apart. What would encourage churches stretched thin by their own ministry needs and financial pressures, to engage in kingdom partnership? Bruno looks at what drove Paul and the Gentile churches to join together for a collection for the Jerusalem church. He notes three motivations that propelled this partnership: fellowship and unity, compassion, and mission.

Understanding the Times – Lifting Up the Son of Man and God's Love for the World: John 3:16 in Its Historical, Literary, and Theological Context

Köstenberger exegetes John 3:16 within its original historical setting, its place within John’s narrative, and its theological context.

Knowing the Bible (Romans) – God's Righteousness in His Wrath Against Sinners (Romans 1:18-3:20)

The Week 3-study provides an exploration of Romans 1:18 to Romans 3:20. The passage’s place in the letter is explained. This is followed by a short commentary on the text and reflection on its implications for the reader’s personal life.

Expositional Preaching – Contextualization

Preaching must be directed at a specific context. Preachers should be able to connect with their congregation and listeners. Helm emphasizes that contextualization in preaching is something different than trying to be “relevant.” This chapter address the problems that emerge when contextualization of the latter sort takes over the preacher when he is preparing his message.

Christian Apologetics Past and Present – Martin Luther

The purpose of this volume is to provide primary sources from important authors with an apologetic concern. Chapter 1 provides an excerpt from Martin Luther, Concerning Christian Liberty (or On Christian Freedom), written in 1520. This work extols one of Luther’s central theological themes: justification by grace through faith. The excerpt is preceded by an introduction to the historical and theological context in which the work of Luther appeared.

The Shepherd Leader at Home – An Introduction to Knowing Your Family

In Chapter 1 the author argues that the health and wholeness of our human relationships find their source in the wholeness of our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. His work enables husbands and fathers to grow in our relationship not only with God, but also with others, especially their wives and family.

The Theology of the Westminster Standards – The Historical and Theological Context

The historical context of the origin of the Westminster Standards is vital to our having a fuller understanding of them. Chapter 2 surveys the historical and theological context that led to the formation of the Westminster Assembly and the creation of the Westminster Standards.

Theologians You Should Know – Only Let Me Reach Jesus Christ: The Apostolic Fathers

Chapter 1 introduces the apostolic fathers. Their writings are the most important for understanding the first generations after the apostles. Chapter 1 introduces a number of authors who wrote from around the end of the first century to the middle of the second.

A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the Old Testament – Introduction

The Bible is not a self-help guide, a religious encyclopaedia, a history textbook, a story, a legal code, a collection of ancient letters, or a religious handbook. Rather, the Bible is the testimony of God’s good news in Jesus Christ. The Introduction explores what it means to read the Bible to ascertain the main themes and theology of each book while also demonstrating that the Old Testament has a covenantal framework, a kingdom perspective, and Christ at its centre.