“A Sacrifice Well Pleasing to God”: John Calvin and the Missionary Endeavors of the Church

What was John Calvin's view on missions? For John Calvin, mission work is rooted in understanding the victorious advance of Christ’s kingdom, means of the extension of Christ kingdom, and motivations for extending Christ’s kingdom. Learning this from Calvin addresses the accusation that he did not have a vision for missions.

Calvin for Today – Twelve Reasons Calvin Is Important Today

Why is John Calvin important today? What did he teach and does that encourage remembrance in the church of Jesus Christ? Beeke identifies twelve roles of Calvin that make him relevant for the church today: his role as educator, socio-theologian, evangelist, pastor, pietist, commentator, churchman, trinitarian, preacher, Christian, theologian, and exegete.

To the Ends of the Earth – "For God So Loved the World": John Calvin's Missional Exegesis

In this chapter Haykin reveals John Calvin's approach to Scripture and theology that was clearly pro-missions and pro-evangelism. While Calvin was concerned more directly with purifying the church than initiating a worldwide missions movement, his interpretation of the Bible was consistent with a free proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of the lost.

Calvin and Culture – 1929 and All That, or What Does Calvinism Say to Historians Searching for Meaning

Chapter 1 is a study of the significance of John Calvin’s understanding of the doctrine of providence. In the second part of the chapter, Hart considers the implications for a Christian approach to history, and the limits in seeking meaning in history.

Piety's Wisdom – Calvin's Institute in Context

In Chapter 1 the author wants to provide insight into the historical and theological context of John Calvin’s Institutes. Beach reflects on Calvin’s prefatory address to King Francis I of France and his defence of the Protestant faith against cardinal Jacopo Sadoleto, Bishop of Carpentras in southern France. He also provides a sketch of Calvin’s life and the nature of the Institutes.

Theological Guide to Calvin's Institutes – Justification and Union with Christ

Gaffin reflects in Chapter 11 on John Calvin’s view of justification and union with Christ in Book 3 of his Institutes of the Christian Religion. Gaffin gives a brief overview of the treatment of justification in successive editions of the Institutes from 1536 to 1559.