The Canticles of Christmas: Singing the Songs of Zechariah, Mary, the Angels, and Simeon
The singing of canticles has been a part of Christian worship for centuries. This article reflects on the "Canticles of Christmas" as a refreshing departure from as well as an excellent alternative to today's trendy musicals. The songs of Mary, Zechariah, the angels, and Simeon are reflected upon as rich songs of worship.
Singing Scripture – A Healthy Revival
For centuries Christians have been singing both the psalms and other portions of Scripture (canticles). This article offers a reflection on Scripture songs as part of Christian worship.
Cultic Clues in Canticles?
How should we interpret the Song of Solomon (Song of Songs? Some interpreters find many cultic clues in Canticles and read it as a cultic document. This essay evaluates such an interpretation.