This is a Children’s Devotion on Judges 2:1-5.

2020. 1 pages.

Judges 2:1-5

Just imagine that you were one of the Israelites gathered for a feast at Bochim. While you are standing there chatting with your friends, you suddenly see the angel of the Lord appear and start speaking. I’m sure you would stand up and listen carefully to what the angel had to say, wouldn’t you?

This angel  has come from Gilgal. This is important because Gilgal was the place where God had reminded the Israelites of his covenant when they first crossed the Jordon into the Promised Land. At Gilgal, God had reminded them that they were his special covenant people and that they had to serve him. The people had celebrated the Passover there and been circumcised as they promised to obey the Lord.

The angel comes from this place to Bochim, where the Israelites were not living in obedience to the Lord. Judges 1 tells us of all the times that the different tribes didn’t destroy the Canaanites as they had been told to do. The people had disobeyed the Lord.

But because of his covenant love, God still comes to them and tells them of their sins. The angel reminds them that the Lord has always loved them, but they have disobeyed the Lord. When the people hear this, they weep and mourn. When they are reminded of their disobedience, they weep because of their sins.

What about us? We too disobey God. We might put sport before Bible reading. We might spend more time behind a screen than with our family. We disobey God every day!

Even though God told the Israelites that he would leave them in their sins, because of his covenant love he continued to return to them with reminders to turn away from their sins. And so the Lord, because of his love for us in Jesus Christ, will not turn away from us but instead continually come to us in covenant love as well.

We can only say, “Oh, thank you, Lord, for your love!”

Reflection with your child:

Can you think of three things that take away from your love for the Lord?

Source: Sermon by Rev. R. Vermeulen

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