Why is it that the Bible does not give a definition of God? This article shows that through creation man was created with a sense of God, and God has revealed what he is like. Hence atheism and evolution leave man guilty before God.

Source: Witness, 2016. 2 pages.

In the Beginning, God…

The opening words of the Bible are surprising: ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth’. No attempt is made to tell us who God is or to prove His existence. In the beginning of time, when the universe came into existence, God was already there. God is not part of the universe. He is eternal and had no beginning. He always was there and always will be there. God’s creative activity is what set the clock of time going. All that there is, everything that exists, apart from Him, was made by Him.

Why No Proof of God?🔗

God created us all with a certain consciousness and awareness of Himself. He placed in the heart of everyone of us some knowledge of Himself. We all have a sense of right and wrong. If there is no God there is no such thing as evil or sin. If we are just a combination of molecules which came together by chance, we are answerable to no-one. Might is right. But we all know that might is not right. We have a sense of justice and injustice. We know that there is an ultimate Judge.

There is nothing more natural than to pray when we are in danger. This shows our awareness of God. Further, in all the many different civilisations around the world, every single one has a religion and a god or gods of some description. Atheism is largely a modern phenomenon, deriving from abstract and flawed intellectual reasoning, and is an expression of man’s desire to be free from God. Atheists are usually angry and passionate when discussing religion which indicates a guilty conscience and a need to prove to themselves as well as others that there is no God. Everyone knows in his heart that there is a God to whom they are responsible at the end of the day, though they may deny it.

Why No Definition of God?🔗

God has given to all an understanding of what He is like. The world around us points to the Creator. Paul put it well when he wrote,

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.Romans 1:20

Even without the Bible, God has revealed to men and women sufficient of His glory and power to leave them without an excuse for not worshipping Him. The Bible can then start with the living and true God and present Him to us. This wonderful book tells us what we are to believe concerning God and what duty God requires of us. It explains the holiness of God, presents us with His law, condemns sin as a breaking of that law and tells us as sinners the good news of the gospel.

Didn’t Everything Start with the Big Bang?🔗

Don’t scientists get rid of the need for God? Stephen Hawking and others treat the Big Bang as fact and describe what happened within milliseconds of the Bang. But there is a problem. What was there before the Bang and why did it Bang? Scientists know the universe is not eternal. It is gradually running down – the entropy of the universe is increasing. How can nothing ‘bang’ something into existence? Everything needs a first cause or is eternal.

Then there is the problem of life. Where did it come from? Charles Darwin did not know of the complexity of cells and DNA when he proposed his theory of evolution. No-one has a clue today how inorganic molecules could possibly come together without divine direction to form the simplest of single cell creatures. In fact there is no such thing as a simple single cell creature – even the simplest are immensely complicated. This is why some have proposed ‘Intelligent Design’. Some intelligence must have been guiding the reactions and the development of the various species. We know that this was God. He made all things out of nothing by the word of His power. ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth’.

It Takes Faith🔗

For the atheistic scientist who believes that there is no God and that all started with a ‘Big Bang’ and that life formed mysteriously in a warm puddle and that one species gradually by natural selection over millions of years developed into the magnificent diversity we see today, it takes faith. When you look at men and women today, at their accomplishments in art and music, in science and engineering, in computers and microbiology, in literature and philosophy, how can any sane person say it all happened by chance? However, if people do not want to believe in God they will believe in anything that will justify their atheism. For us, Christians, ‘The heavens (the universe) declare the glory of God’ (Psalm 19:1), the world around us reveals the Creator to us. We have no difficulty in receiving the first words of the Bible: ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth’. Nothing that true science has discovered conflicts with this. Increasing numbers of scientists accept the simple Bible account of creation.

Why did God Create the World?🔗

God created the world to glorify Himself. He created man in His own image to have fellowship with Him, to worship Him, to be His children and to enjoy Him forever. Sadly man has rebelled against His Creator, does His own thing and worships Himself. We live in a world in rebellion against God. Sin will be punished. God is just and holy. Hell has been prepared for Satan and his followers. ‘The wages of sin is death’ (Romans 6:23).

The Good News🔗

The Good News is that God reveals the loving and merciful side of His nature in sending His Son into the world to be the Saviour. He became a man, took our sins upon Himself, suffered for us on the cross and died in our place. He rose from the dead on the third day victorious. He is mighty to save and willing to save. How can we be saved? Repent and believe the gospel. Turn from your sins and ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved’ (Acts 16:31). Why should anyone perish when Christ freely offers salvation to all?

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