Steps to Breaking Sin Patterns
Are you struggling with some sins in your life? Is there a way of breaking the patterns of sin? This article offers four steps you can take in fighting sin in your life.
Are you struggling with some sins in your life? Is there a way of breaking the patterns of sin? This article offers four steps you can take in fighting sin in your life.
Mortification, the discipline of killing sin, starts by knowing how sin works. This article explains that fighting sin must be undertaken with the awareness of the nature of sin, the goal of sin, and the strategy of sin.
Why didn't God destroy all sin in us when he saved us? Why do we still have to continue fighting sin? There are five reasons why the struggle with sin is part of the Christian life.
Fighting sin is the warfare in which every Christian is engaged. How can you engage better in this battle of the mortification of sin? Know the three ways that sin attacks: from Satan, the world, and our own sinful flesh.
It is a life-changing realization that you can be holier than you think. Fighting sin and striving for holiness are filled with new zeal when you realize God's promises for making you holy. The article explains this.
Mortification of sin implies fighting sin to its death. This article gives nine reasons why no sin must be left behind.