This is a Children's Devotion on Revelation 5:9.

2022. 1 pages.

Revelation 5:9

Read: Revelation 5

While John is being given a look into heaven, he sees God sitting on the throne with a scroll in his right hand. But then John cannot see anyone who can open the scroll and so he begins to weep. John is very upset, crying loudly, because no one is found worthy to open the scroll.

Why is John so upset? Why is it so important that the scroll is opened? On this scroll was written all the things that were going to happen in the world. Everything from Christ’s ascension into heaven until his return. Someone needed to be found who could open the scroll and make all these things happen. If the scroll could not be opened then it would mean that this world of sin, suffering, death, and judgment would go on forever. An unopened scroll would mean that the new heaven and the new earth would never come. And that is what made John so sad.

But then one of the elders tells John to stop weeping because someone has been found who can open the scroll. This someone was Jesus Christ himself. He is the Lamb that has been slain. He has paid for all the sin and wickedness in the world and so he is worthy to open the scroll. He can make all the events in the world happen. He will make sure the new heaven and earth come.

When this Lamb, Jesus Christ, is found, the twenty-four elders fall down and worship this Lamb. This means that all the people in the church worship Jesus Christ. Then we read that the angels join in worshiping this Lamb. And while the church and angels are praising God together, all living creatures join together to worship the Lamb. Together, everyone is praising God.

We too must join in praising God. God is working in this world to make everything happen according to his plan. He is working all things so that Christ can return, and we can live with him in eternal glory. Let us all join in praising God.

Reflection with your child:

Why did John stop crying?

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