This is a Children’s Devotion on Psalm 62:8.

2019. 1 pages.

Psalm 62:8

Read: Psalm 62

What do you do if you feel troubled, sad, or frightened, or that things are just too hard?  Maybe you have a grandparent or friend who is terribly sick. Maybe you have classmates that is nasty things about you. Maybe no one plays with you and you feel lonely.  Maybe you have panic attacks and want them to stop. Maybe your friends are trying to convince you to sin. Or maybe it is something else that is very hard. What do you do at times like this? Where do you go for comfort?

In Psalm 62, David went to God with his hurt and trouble. He says, “Pour out your heart before God.” Tell God all about your troubles. Tell him what is bothering you. Pour out everything to God. Don’t hide anything from him. And then trust God. Trust him with your troubles. Believe that God is caring for you. Believe that God is your rock and your salvation. Believe that God is helping you and will continue to help you.

You can trust God because of who he is. He is your Father who loves you. Verse 11 tell us that God is all powerful. God has absolute power over everything. This means that God is in control and he can do anything in your life. If God leaves things in your life that are hard for you, he does this because he loves you, and through these things he is bringing you closer to him. He is teaching you to trust him.

It was terribly hard for the Lord Jesus when he knew he was going to die on the cross. And yet Jesus trusted God and went to the cross. Even there, God was in control. Jesus needed to die on the cross so that we can be forgiven and have a loving relationship with the Father. And Jesus rose from the dead so that we can now trust God, knowing that he loves us and will carry us through all the difficulties in life and bring us to eternal life with him one day.

Reflection with your child:

Next time something is troubling you, what will you do with your troubles?

Source: Sermon by student Br. Kelvin Dekker

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