This is a Children’s Devotion on Psalm 37:4.

2021. 1 pages.

Psalm 37:4

Read: Psalm 37:1–11

What is this verse saying? Is it saying that if you always delight in the Lord and do the things that he wants, then the Lord will always give you what you want? It does sound a bit like that, doesn’t it?

This psalm teaches us how we should think about all the evil and bad things that are happening in the world around us. Often it looks like evil people are getting what they want and those who love the Lord are getting forgotten or persecuted.

But in this psalm God reminds us that he is going to punish the evildoers. They will not be left unpunished. And the righteous, the children of the Lord, will not get forgotten either. God loves us and he has promised us eternal life with him. This psalm speaks many times of God looking after his children.

David says to the people who were suffering because of the evil people around them, “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and he shall give you the desires of your heart.” David adds, “Even in all of your suffering make it your delight, your joy to love the Lord. Let it be the Lord who makes you glad and happy.” Notice that David uses the name Lord with capital letters. This is the name of our covenant God. This is “I am who I am.” This is the Lord who always keeps his promises. This is the Lord who loves his children and works everything for their salvation. It must be our joy to love this Lord!

We must not get angry and bitter at people who do evil in this world, but we must focus on the Lord of our salvation. It is he who gives us joy and happiness. Then our desire will be to serve the Lord more, to trust him and to turn away from our sins. Our desire will be to be saved and to be happy in the Lord. It is these desires that the Lord gives to those who delight in him.

Reflection with your child:

What does it mean to delight or have joy in the Lord?

Source: Sermon by Rev. D. Wynia

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