This is a Children’s Devotion on Psalm 147:19-20.

2019. 1 pages.

Psalm 147:19-20

Read: Psalm 147

How many copies of the Bible do you have in your house? One, two, twenty, or more than that? Do you ever hold the Bible in your hands and really stop to think about how special it is that you have your own copy of the Bible? In your hand, you are holding God’s very own words. This is something very, very special.

Verse nineteen tells us that God chose to give his word to Jacob so that he could know God. You remember some of the stories about Jacob, don’t you? He did some sinful things, like tricking his brother Esau into selling his birthright, and lying to his father, Isaac. And yet, God chose to give his special word to Jacob. He wanted Jacob as his child, and he wanted to have a covenant relationship of love with Jacob. He wanted Jacob to know all about him and his love. That’s why he gave Jacob his word.

God wants to have that special relationship with you too. You are God’s child. Even though you sin all the time, God has chosen you to belong to him. And God wants to speak to you, and he wants you to talk to him. God speaks to you through the Bible. The Bible is God’s special gift to you. When you hold the Bible in your hands, you are holding God’s very own words to you. In the Bible God tells you all about his love for you, that he sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for you.

God wants you to respond to his words by praying to him. He wants you to thank him for his love and blessings. He wants you to tell him about what is going on in your life.

Reflection with your child:

Do you remember to treat the Bible as God’s special gift to you? What are some ways that you can show that it is God’s special gift to you?

Source: Sermon by Rev. R. den Hollander

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