Are wizards and witchcraft innocent entertainment? This article discusses the reality of dark powers and the work of Satan.

Source: De Reformatie. 4 pages. Translated by Bram Vegter.

Playing with Spirits?

A fair number of Elementary Schools were transformed into “Witchcraft Academies” during Reading Week. Innocent entertainment?

A Trend🔗

Wizardry is in. Not only with the youth, but also with adults. There is a demand for things mysterious, the paranormal. Harry Potter books sell like hot cakes. In that atmosphere, a witchcraft academy is a nice idea.

But you would be shocked if you were to meet a real wizard. There are people who want to be called a wizard (male) or a witch (female). Very vague. While this may already exude quite an oppression. Most interviews done, are with former witches or wizards, who are happy that the yoke in their lives has been broken.

But you will encounter real acts of witchcraft! Or is that impossible? Does witchcraft belong only in fairy tales?

If you think that, you make a mistake. Witchcraft is really possible, and it is spectacular. You could lose your faith by it.

Dark Powers🔗

I had to think of the history of Moses and Aaron before the Pharaoh of Egypt. They had to speak the words of the LORD. And if Pharaoh would ask “who is that?”, they could show the God of heaven and earth in a mighty wonder: Aaron’s stick would change into a live snake!

Wow, tremendous, is it not? This is who our God is!

But then Pharaoh snaps his finger. His sorcerers quickly appear; they murmur their secret sayings and move their hands, and suddenly many more snakes appear. They can do the same! How is that possible?

Were Moses and Aaron surprised by this? I presume they were. We do not read that the LORD had prepared them for this. He did say that they did not have to be afraid when standing before Pharaoh. Therefore, no fear either for the snakes or the magic tricks performed. But still, it remains something overwhelming, and the question arises: if this is not the work of the LORD, then who is at work here? Which powers are these?

In any case, it was certainly a teaching moment. Moses and Aaron were there to demand freedom for God’s people. Pharaoh was the big enemy.

Until all those snakes magically appeared before their eyes, and the Pharaoh hardened his heart in refusal. That is how they learned (and we as well) that the biggest enemy is not one of flesh and blood. The upcoming freedom would especially be to be freed from the powers of darkness. Paul writes about this later, in Ephesians 6:12. The enemy, who is conquered by God, is strong. Armies of angels have been busy with this for centuries.

Miracles and Magic🔗

Looking at them, there was seemingly no difference between all the snakes. Aaron may have looked for his snake among all the others.

And yet, there clearly was a difference. The first snake was a miracle from God, delivered by his mighty power. The purpose of it was to reveal God before friend and foe.

The other snakes were the product of magic. Not from God, and not to reveal him either, on the contrary! Magic and witchcraft’s purpose is to darken God’s light, to surpass him, to make people waver and to draw people away from God.

I think that very basically we find here the difference between miracles and magic. Miracles are from God, and they are meant to bring people to believe, and bring people to him. It is for this reason that Jesus performed many miracles, while he always forbade people to make the miracle into something special. The miracle was not the point of focus, for it was all about Jesus; that people would accept him as their Saviour.

Magic tricks on the other hand are not from God, and they also do not lead people to God. They are the product of Satan and his evil spirits, who like to (again) have power over the people.

Do Not Play with Spirits!🔗

With that we say that they possess real power. Not to be afraid of, for they cannot do anything against the power of Jesus. But also not a power to handle naively and certainly not a power to be playing games with!

You only have to call upon spirits once, to notice that they are immediately present. Many people have realized this, to their shock. This contains, paradoxically, a strong temptation: people try it to find out that it works. There are powers they want to discover and experience. For there “really” is something happening!

That is sheer foolishness. Of course, it is “‘real”. Spirits are no joke. Jesus was given over to them for three hours in what appeared to be an eternity, so that he could free us from them. That is how real they are! But therefore, avoid them with your heart and soul and do not just try it out a bit (Heidelberg Catechism Q/A 94). Otherwise, they are your death.

The stories are there. From scary messages that are suddenly heard during the spinning of the glass, messages that subsequently even come true! And you hear of people who sense that they are grabbed by unseen hands. As Westerners we laugh about these things, we are too sober for this. But ask about this in the world! There are areas in the world where the spirit powers are manifested daily. Inexplicable, but so real.

In The Netherlands, the church of Satan is active. This group is coming somewhat more to the fore at this time that. Who knows if a person can perhaps find something there for his religious needs? The cross stands upside down there. What is white with us, is black there. Especially the young people are enticed to join, for example by offering drugs. After that, it is hard for them to disengage themselves, something takes possession of them, and even their eyes have a different look now.

Jesus gave stern warnings against this. If your heart is not full of him, if you leave it empty, then someone else will move in. First, he comes by himself, but soon he brings his friends along. Until you are completely filled with them, and you lose all your inner freedom (Luke 11:24-26).

Great Signs🔗

John sees in a vision on the island of Patmos, how Satan is able to have a power appear which looks like a lamb, but it speaks like a dragon (Rev. 13:11 ff). Imitation is ever Satan’s trick and deceit. For example, in Jomanda (a medium in The Netherlands) we heard well-known sounds. She was a medium between heaven and earth and she performed great signs. But her speaking did not lead to God, but rather away from him. For you had to believe in her and you were not truly healed, but you received small, irradiated platelets that you could carry with you. Whoever did that, could witness some weird things at home: lamps that would suddenly go on or off, doors would open by themselves or slam shut, etc.

Signs aplenty, that is sure. But not from God. Large forces, but not to trust in and therefore also not to look for. Matthew 24:24 says: “For false Christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.” Jesus predicted it.

So, our measure may never be that the special events are so real and so big, that they must contain something. No, the point is: are you able to distinguish and see what leads to God and what draws away from God?

For signs can also be miracles, from God. There are believers with paranormal gifts. Some are clairvoyant, and others can take away pain. It is incorrect to attribute those gifts to the devil when God is glorified by them. For the devil would never do that.

That takes discernment. I will never visit someone, who first demands that I believe in him or her, whether they want to treat me normally or paranormally. But it is different, when they confess Jesus, sincerely and according to the Bible. When I recognize his Spirit, I can feel safe. Such a person also will not ask that I profess another faith than my faith in Jesus. In this way I have already encountered some mysterious things in my neighbourhood.

A Choice as In Paradise🔗

But the occult, the calling up of spirits and such, is totally the work of the serpent. Jesus does not use that. He forbids us to be busy with that (Deut, 18:9-22). Magic is closely connected with this, the spirits and their powers come along in this. The same goes for fortune telling and astrology (horoscopes). Do not look for this, do not read this, not even as a joke.
For everyone who listens to the evil one, gives him power in his life.

In principle, we have the same choice again as in Paradise. Adam and Eve lived there in relationship with God. One day, a serpent spoke to her in human language. Hey, how is this possible? A talking snake? That is quite something! Yes, it surely was something, but not something good. Listening…, she gave him power in her life, and Adam followed suit. Men could not get out of this by himself, it was impossible. This is how Satan became the ruler of the world. Would you then want to try that once again?

He who is pushed from the throne, the “ruler of the world”, must now bow before our () Lord. But it does not take away that he still likes to be the ruler in the hearts of men, to carry them along to death, with nice chats and impressive signs. That is why we stay away from all this, and we do not search out the witches and wizards.

And we do not short-change ourselves then. Staying close to God, you see plenty of miracles, as long as your eyes are open for them! His works of love and grace surpass everything, and they remain with us while the realm of darkness will disappear.

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