This article introduces us to the childhood of David.

Source: The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth, 2017. 2 pages.

Only a Boy Named David

You probably know the song, “Only a boy named David, only a little sling. Only a boy named David, but he could pray and sing...” This is the song with the easy-to-remember refrain leading to the high point in the song, “and ... round and round and round and round and round and round and round!” The story of David and Goliath is in every Bible story book that my family owns and is one of the most familiar events of the Old Testament (along with Daniel in the Lion’s Den).

Because David was very young, you can probably understand how fighting Goliath was a great act of faith. But you may have a harder time relating his life to yours. After all, we don’t fight against real Philistines today, and we have never seen giants even close to the height of Goliath (not even I am that tall!). I’m sure you have never tried on armor like David did and probably your slingshot aim isn’t that good.

But you can probably understand how it felt to be a boy surrounded by men. Have you ever felt that you were the smallest or the weakest? If you were working with your dad in his shop, or your mom and a few other ladies in the kitchen, you would probably be there watching and wondering what they were doing. You would never be allowed to be in charge, but would be expected to follow everyone else’s orders and know your place. At most, your dad would ask you to get a hammer out of the tool box or your mom might ask you to get the cinnamon out of the cupboard (if you can reach it). You certainly wouldn’t tell your dad how to fix the thing and most certainly you wouldn’t grab a wrench and screwdriver and do it yourself and leave them watching. In the Bible’s story, David was just a boy surrounded by strong warriors, but these men were scared stiff every time they saw the fierce, towering giant Goliath and heard his mean, threatening shouts. David knew this was wrong and stood up for what was right. He was laughed at. People thought he was proud. But he still did it! God calls you to stand up for Him, regardless of what others think or say. God honors those who honor Him (1 Samuel 2:30).

We could wonder why David would risk himself against such a hostile and strong enemy. Our parents often say, “Be careful!” or “Stay safe!” But David seemed to not worry about his safety. David knew the Lord would deliver him, and he knew that because God had delivered him from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear (1 Samuel 17:37) when rescuing one of his father’s sheep. This experience showed that God was faithful to David when he acted in simple obedience. He was doing what he had to do, honoring God as he worked for his father. David now trusted that God would help him again as he stood up to Goliath, God’s enemy. We do not need to wait to grow up before we can see what happens when we “trust and obey.” Children who believe and obey God today will find that God will send His great help and blessing to them — encouraging their obedience tomorrow, the next day, and every day.

My son always liked the part when David cuts off Goliath’s head (my daughters ... not so much). This is violent and gruesome, but it tells us that David won! In this, David shows us what Jesus is like — especially that He won the battle over God’s enemies. At the cross, Christ won the battle! In the resurrection, victory is enjoyed! You, children, just like your parents, still have to fight against sin. The battle belongs to the Lord, but He clothes His children with armor (Ephesians 6:10-18). The Bible guides God’s people in their lifelong struggle. When you fight with your brother or say something mean to your classmate, remember you need God to help you see your sins, be sorry for them, and stop them and please God instead. May the Holy Spirit give you a heart that loves God and seeks to please Him, encouraging you even when your sins seem to be as big as Goliath.

You know the end of the children’s song: “And the giant came tumbling down!” What a happy ending (and many great joys along the way) is in store for children, adults, and older ones who live by faith and seek God’s glory however they can!

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