This is a Children’s Devotion on Numbers 13:32-33 and Numbers 14:6-9.

2019. 1 pages.

Numbers 13:32-33 and 14:6-9

Twelve spies were sent to check out the land of Canaan before the people of Israel were about to enter it. All twelve came back with this information: the land and the food were very good. They even took some of the fruit back from the land to show Moses. And they also told Moses about the big people that lived in the land — there were giants in the land.

However, the spies didn’t agree on everything. They gave two different reports to Moses and the people. Ten of the spies reported that the giants were much too big and there was no way that they would be able to fight against them. “We are like grasshoppers next to those giants,” they said. They thought that it was impossible for the Israelites to go into that land and take it over.

But two spies, Caleb and Joshua, said, “Even though the giants are big, we can easily conquer the land because the Lord is with us. We don’t need to be afraid, but we just need to trust in the Lord. He will give us the land.” These two spies trusted in the promises of the Lord. God had promised them the land, and so they were certain that the Lord would help them to fight against the giants in the land. They were willing to obey the commands of the Lord.

This is exactly how you must live too. You must trust God’s promises and have faith in him. If you want to enter eternal life with him, then you must obey God’s commandments, trusting that God will be with you in everything.

You must realise that you are walking on the path to eternal life every single day. Just like the Israelites were on their way to the Promised Land, you are on your way to eternal life with God. God has promised that he will be with you on the way. Even if things get hard, he will care for you. Remember this and trust in the Lord to look after you.

Reflection with your child:

Do you remember to trust in the Lord’s promises to you?

Source: Rev. D. Agema

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