This is a Children’s Devotion on Matthew 6:21.

2021. 1 pages.

Matthew 6:21

Read: Matthew 6:19-24. 

Do you have any treasures? Treasures are things that are very precious to you, things that you love and wouldn’t like to lose. In these verses, Jesus tells us to lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven and not on earth. What does he mean? How can we lay up treasures in heaven?

There are two types of treasures that we can have. Earthly treasures are things like money, stuff, toys, food, friends, health, and freedoms. All of these things are here for a little while, but they all disappear. Jesus says that moth and rust destroy these things. Your clothes grow old and need throwing out. Your money gets used up. Your friends can change. Earthly treasures keep changing and we can’t keep any of them forever.

But heavenly treasures are things that don’t change. They always stay the same. These treasures are things like God himself, being God’s child, having forgiveness of sins, and calling God our Father.

To get treasures on earth we have to work hard. Gaining money and clothes and friends is all hard work. But laying up treasures in heaven is not hard work. It is a gift from God. It is God’s grace. He gives you heavenly treasures. He gives you his Word, the Bible. He gives you his love and righteousness. He forgives your sins. These treasures are already yours as a child of God.

Jesus tells us to focus our eyes on these treasures. The headlights of a car will point in the direction that the car is going. In the same way, where our eyes are looking will tell where we are traveling. If we are focused on and looking at earthly things, then our life is nothing more than these things which will disappear.

But if your eyes are focused on the heavenly treasures that God has already given you — on his love, his forgiveness, his grace — then you are traveling with God already today. Then as you go about your day, doing schoolwork or playing with your friends, always remember God’s love for you.

Reflection with your child:

What things are important to you?

Source: Sermon by Rev. C. Bouwman

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