This is a Children’s Devotion on Matthew 25:1-13.

2020. 1 pages.

Matthew 25:1-13

The parable of the five wise and five foolish ladies is one that is very well known. But what is the Lord teaching us in this parable? The Lord Jesus is telling us that we don’t know when he will return a second time, and so we must always be ready for that great day.

Are you ready to meet the Lord? What does it mean to be ready for Christ’s return? That’s what Jesus tells us in this parable. Just like the five wise ladies who were well prepared, knowing that it could take a long time for the bridegroom to come, we must always be ready for Christ’s return. This means that every day you must serve the Lord. Read your Bible and pray every day. Love the Lord and serve him in all you do.

This parable is not meant to frighten you. It is not meant to make you wonder whether the Lord will close the door of heaven to you on the day that he returns. Sometimes you may even think about that and be a bit frightened. But then remember God’s promises to you. You are his covenant child. He has promised you forgiveness of sins. He has promised you eternal life with him. All these promises are in the Bible, so never doubt them.

The Lord loves you and so even though you are not good enough yourself to get to heaven, the Lord looks at the work that Jesus has done for you, and so will open the door of heaven for you. If you love the Lord with all your heart and really want to serve him, then you are ready for Christ’s return. If you trust in Christ to forgive your sins every day, then you are ready for this wonderful day.

And what a great day it will be. On that day, we will be changed in the twinkling of an eye to receive our glorious body, and from then on we will live eternally with the Lord. We will be without sin, and perfectly happy.

Reflection with your child:

How are you ready for Christ’s return?

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