This is a Children’s Devotion on Luke 5:33-35.

2020. 1 pages.

Luke 5:33-35

Read: Luke 5:33-39

Have you ever tried drinking from an empty water bottle? You could put the water bottle to your lips, lift it up and even make the sucking and swallowing actions, but because that water bottle is empty it won’t stop you being thirsty, will it?

The fasting of the Pharisees was a bit like them trying to drink from an empty water bottle. They did all the actions, but their fasting was empty. In the Old Testament, the people of Israel were told to fast to show that they were sorry for their sins. But the Pharisees in Jesus’ days weren’t fasting because they were sorry for their sins, they were fasting because it made them look like they were very religious. But their hearts weren’t in their fasting. They thought that the act of fasting itself was enough to save them.

When Jesus is asked why his disciples didn’t fast, he didn’t answer by telling them how fasting should have been done. Instead Jesus gave them the gospel. The reason for fasting was to show sorrow for sins and their need for salvation. But Jesus was with them now. He is the way to salvation, so they didn’t need to fast now. Just like a person wouldn’t fast at a friend’s wedding, so they shouldn’t have been fasting when Jesus was with them. Instead of focusing on the actual act of fasting itself, they should have focused on what it means. They should have been listening to Jesus and His message of salvation. Jesus is the one who would make them right with God. He is the one who will give salvation. Fasting without listening to Jesus is a waste of time.

Are we sometimes a bit like the Pharisees? Do we sometimes go to church without listening to Jesus? Jesus warns us here not to try and earn our own salvation but instead to focus on Jesus and the salvation that he gives to us. So, yes, you must keep going to church, keep reading the Bible, but all the while also focusing on Christ and his love for you.

Reflection with your child:

Why didn’t the people need to fast while Jesus was with them?

Source: Sermon by Rev. R. Vermeulen

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