This is a Children’s Devotion on Luke 12:31-32.

2020. 1 pages.

Luke 12:31-32

Read: Luke 12:22-34

Do you ever worry about things? Maybe you worry that your schoolwork will be too difficult or that you might not have enough food to eat. Maybe you worry that you will get sick or that your old pet dog will die soon. The Lord Jesus Christ knows you very well and he knows that as people we often worry. And that’s why he tells us in verse 22 not to worry.

Let’s have a closer look at what Jesus says in verse 31-32. He tells us to seek the kingdom of God. To seek is to really want something. It is to have a strong desire for something. It is God’s kingdom we should be seeking.

You are a child of God’s kingdom. You belong to God. Jesus tells us this in verse 32. “Don’t worry about anything because you are already a child of the Lord, you are already part of his kingdom.” So, because you are part of God’s kingdom, seek it first. Think about God’s kingdom. Focus all your thoughts on doing things to praise God.

Knowing you are part of God’s kingdom means that you don’t need to worry about other things, because God will give you what you need. Look at the ravens, those birds that don’t seem to do anything other than squawk and flap their wings. Yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Now if God feeds those birds, then he will certainly care for you, a child of his kingdom.

Little flock, don’t worry or be fearful. Instead, focus on doing things in God’s kingdom. Then many of your worries will be taken away. Then you will be focused more on how you can serve the Lord with your talents than on getting good marks at school. Then you will focus more on doing things now to praise God than worrying about if you will be sick tomorrow or next week.

Leave your worries with the Lord, trust him, and instead focus on using what the Lord gives you now to serve him as a child in his kingdom!

Reflection with your child:

What does it mean to seek God’s kingdom?

Source: Sermon by Rev. R. Vermeulen

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