This is a Children’s Devotion on Judges 6:23.

2020. 1 pages.

Judges 6:23

Read:Judges 6:17-24

“Peace be with you.” We often hear these words in church. But what does it mean to have peace — peace with God? To have peace with God means that we have a loving relationship with the Lord. Of ourselves we are so very sinful that we wouldn’t be able to stand before God. Just one little sin is enough to make God punish us with death — eternal death in hell. God should be very angry with us because of our sins.

In Judges 6 we read about Gideon being scared to stand before God. Once he realises that he has seen God himself, he is scared that he is going to die. Gideon realises that he is very sinful. How can a sinful person like him stand before a holy, majestic and awesome God? No wonder Gideon was frightened. God is holy, God is awesome, God is sinless, God is perfect, God is all powerful, and Gideon is totally sinful, dirty, and corrupt. Gideon would not have felt any peace.

And yet God’s amazing words to Gideon are, “Peace be with you; do not fear, you shall not die.” Oh yes, Gideon should have died, because how can someone sinful stand before such a holy God. But he doesn’t die. Instead God was going to send his Son, Jesus Christ, to die as payment for Gideon’s sins. Jesus Christ was going to take God’s anger and punishment away so that Gideon could have peace with God.

Isn’t that wonderful news. God offers us the same peace. Every Sunday again, God gives us his peace. He does so because Jesus Christ has come to earth. He has died on the cross. He has taken God’s anger on himself because of our sins. Now we don’t have to live a life frightened and scared of God. No, we can have peace — true peace knowing that God loves us and accepts us as his children because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. What grace and love the Lord shows to us.

 Reflection with your child:

Why was Gideon so frightened when he realized that the angel was God himself?

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