This is a Children’s Devotion on John 6:51.

2019. 1 pages.

John 6:51

Read:John 6:1-14, 22-59

I am the living bread from heaven.”

While Jesus was on earth, he told us many things about himself. He did this because he wants to teach us who he really is, and why he came to earth. To teach us more about himself, Jesus gives seven I am sayings. All these sayings are like pictures to help us understand a bit more about the Lord.

The first of these sayings is found in John 6. Jesus says, “I am the living bread” (v. 51). Bread was the main food that the people ate in Jesus’ day. If they weren’t able to eat bread, they would die of hunger.

Jesus says that he is just like bread. Just like we need to have food to be able to live, so we need to have Jesus to live. Food keeps us alive physically. It gives us energy so that our hearts keep beating and our bodies keep breathing. Jesus keeps us alive spiritually. Jesus give us the strength, wisdom, obedience and forgiveness we need so that we may continue to live as God’s children. Just like bread becomes part of our bodies when we eat it, so Jesus must become part of who we are.

And just like we need to eat food every day to stay alive, so we need Jesus every day. You can’t eat a piece of bread and say, “I don’t need any more food for the rest of the week.” So you can’t read the Bible for five minutes and say, “I don’t need to read it any more this week.” No, you need to make the Lord a part of your life every day.

Every day you need to get your strength and wisdom from the Lord Jesus. You need to read his Word, the Bible, to learn more about him. You need to go to him for forgiveness. You need to pray to him, telling him all about your life, and trusting him to help you through every day again.

Reflection with your child:

How can you make the Lord Jesus a part of your whole life?

Source: Sermon by Rev. H. Alkema

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