This is a Children’s Devotion on John 19:25-27.

2019. 1 pages.

John 19:25-27

Read:John 19:17-30

Do you ever ignore your sins? Maybe you think that because your brothers and sisters always wait a while before listening when Mum asks them to do the dishes, you can wait a while as well. Or maybe you don’t mind that you thought nasty things about your brother, because you didn’t actually say anything mean.

It’s so easy to ignore or downplay our sins. But did you know that God never ignores any of our sins? Every single sin that we do makes us unworthy of God’s love. Every single sin that we do needs to be punished!

And that’s exactly why Jesus went to the cross. He died on the cross as a payment for our sins. He was punished by the Father instead of us! That lie that you told, was paid for on the cross. That wrong thought you had, was paid for on the cross. Your sins sent Jesus to the cross. He died for you! You need to take your sins seriously, realising that they cost Jesus his life.

We see in these verses that even while Jesus was dying on the cross, he showed his love and forgiveness for his people. He showed that he will forgive sins. You may remember that at the time that Jesus was captured, all his disciples ran away. This included John, the disciple whom Jesus loved. He escaped with all the other disciples. And here, on the cross, Jesus doesn’t tell him off for running away, but in love and grace, he forgives John and asks him to care for his (Jesus’) mother. John may continue to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus. He is forgiven!

Christ shows that same grace and love to you. No sin is too big or too small for God to forgive. Christ Jesus paid for them all. When you tell God that you are sorry for your sins, and when you ask for forgiveness, then you will be forgiven! So don’t ignore your sins, but turn to God, asking for forgiveness.

Source: Sermon by Rev. H. Alkema

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