This is a Children’s Devotion on John 10:7.

2019. 1 pages.

John 10:7

Read:John 10:7-10

“I am the door of the sheep.”

In Bible times, a shepherd would keep his sheep in fenced-off areas. The sheep would be able to wander in and out of this area, but to do so they would have to walk through one opening, and the shepherd would place himself at the opening. So, if the sheep wanted to walk into this area, they would have to walk through this gate or door where the shepherd stood. So the shepherd acted like a door, opening and closing to let his sheep in and out. The shepherd would even sleep in that opening at night, acting like a closed door to keep the sheep safe from robbers, lions, or other wild animals.

In these verses Jesus says that he is the door of the sheep: “If anyone enters by me, he will be saved.” The only way that we, the sheep, can be saved is by entering through the door. And who is that door? It’s Jesus Christ! He tells us that he is the door. So, if we want to be saved, then there is only one way — by believing in Jesus Christ.

Sometimes you might think that you really aren’t good enough to be saved. You might wonder if your sins are so great that God might not save you. You might think that you don’t love the Lord enough. You might be worried that because you don’t always feel like going to church, you might not be saved. But Christ doesn’t say, “Stop sinning and you will be saved,” or, “Only when you always go to church joyfully will you be saved.” No, Jesus says, “Enter by me and you will be saved.” Our good works will not save us. We are saved by grace, simply by believing in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the door and it’s through him that we are saved!

Reflection with your child:

What does it mean to you that Jesus is the door of the sheep?

Source: Sermon by Rev. H. Alkema

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